Showing posts with label Refuge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Refuge. Show all posts

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Abandoned Newborns Offered Refuge In Boxes: Horrific Or Good Idea?

There are two schools of though when it comes to an issue such as thing: Does a certain solution alleviate the problem or perpetuate it?

A new way to protect newborns who have been abandoned by their mothers has launched in the United States.  

“Baby Hatches” which are common in parts of Europe and Asia, are like the idea behind “Baby Safe Haven,” except this one offers women total anonymity while still assuring the baby’s safety. 

The first of its kind in the states is located in Woodburn, Indiana, and funded by the state’s Knights of Columbus.

Each box costs between $ 1500 and $ 2000, and on the outside looks like any other.

Inside, however, is a padded, climate controlled container that will set off an alarm to first responders once the baby is placed inside.  

To add even more security, as soon as the parent “deposits” her child inside the box, it then locks and can’t be opened from the outside.

The idea is to prevent babies being abandoned in unsafe environments, like bathrooms, dumpsters and the like.

The second one in the country was placed in Michigan on May 5th.

Those opposed to the baby hatch idea claim that this will prevent new moms from seeking post-partum medical care or exploring other options, like going directly to a hospital.

Monica Kelsey was herself abandoned as an infant, and has been working to implement baby hatches for the past sixteen years.

This is not criminal,” Kelsey, who volunteers with a crisis hotline for mothers not wanting their babies, said.

“This is legal. We don’t want to push women away.”

It might sound like a startling idea at first, but the more options parents who can’t raise their children, the better.  

Some might liken it to providing drug users with clean needles.  Yes, it could certainly perpetuate the issue, but it also prevents the spread of diseases associated with using dirty needles.