Showing posts with label Rewarding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rewarding. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Rose McGowan to Hollywood: Stop Rewarding Sociopaths!

Rose McGowan is making a passionate plea.

And she really hopes those in charge of the movie and television industry are listening.

A few days after McGowan raised eyebrows and made headlines for saying she was raped by a top executive in Tinseltown, the actress has once again opened on social media.

This time, she has tried to send a very important message to the head honchos who control much of the entertainment industry.

And she’s also addressed those who work under these individuals, such as her fellow actors and actresses.

Starting her Twitter note Monday with “Dear Hollywood,” McGowan encouraged her colleagues to “be brave.”

She wrote:

“Do not work with those you know to be offenders or you are no better than they.

“You are culpable for your actions. Stop rewarding sociopaths. Every time you sanction abhorrent behavior, you are aiding and abetting a crime, that makes you no better than the criminal.”

Sharing her story last week with the hashtag #WhyWomenDontReport, McGowan called out those who she claims knew all about her sexual assault… yet failed to provide any support.

In her new tweet, the stars wonders what it will take to “stop rewarding men that are predators?”

It’s sadly a good question, and it can be applied beyond Hollywood.

Rose McGowan message

“Why are you so cowardly that you would take the softer, easier way out? I can tell you this, your soul is a blighted one if you do so. Your personal legacy, the very fabric of your being, is at stake, so fight for it,” the 43-year-old wrote.

“I know you have it in you to be better. I know you have it in you to break free from the bonds of secrecy. So do it.”

In a series of harshly-worded posts last Thursday, McGowan called out the movie world for failing to have her back after she was raped by an unnamed studio head.

Among her messages last week, McGowan said that her rape was “an open secret in Hollywood/media & they shamed me while adulating my rapist.”

She added that “our ex sold our movie to my rapist for distribution.”

Concluded McGowan, simply and straightforwardly: “It is time for some goddamned honesty in this world.”

The hashtag of “WhyWomenDontReport” sprung up last week after Donald Trump spent several days shaming those who have accused him of sexual assault.

He openly wondered at campaign rallies why it took these alleged victims so many years to come forward with their stories.

While some could be lying, of course, the idea that a woman’s sexual assault claim is disqualified just because she took a long time to make it is clearly ridiculous, ignorant and even dangerous.

Trump has no idea the challenges that women who make these sorts of allegations face, both at work and at home, especially when they make them against someone who is rich and powerful.

We have no reason not to believe McGowan in this case.

And we applaud her for speaking out on such an important topic.
