Showing posts with label Roes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Roes. Show all posts

Friday, February 12, 2016

Ruby Roes Goes OFF on Kanye West: How Dare You Attack Taylor!

As you may have heard, Kanye West debuted his new album, The Life of Pablo, at Madison Square Garden last night, and – as is pretty much always the case when Kanye’s involved – the evening was not without its share of controversy.

Most of the morning-after negative press has centered around lyrics in which Kanye West calls Taylor Swift a “b-tch.” Reps for Swift have expressed their distaste for the song’s “misogynistic message,” but Taylor herself has thus far kept it classy, as always. Fortunately, she has friends who are willing to go attack dog for her.

Ruby Rose is certainly one of the more badass members of the Swift Squad, and she went off on Yeezy in epic fashion on Twitter last night:

“Too many lines crossed,” she tweeted about Kanye. “If I put myself in the shoes of the women he has hurt recently. Victims of Bill Cosby, The Slut shaming, Amber…

“And now my dear friend Taylor.. Right before another huge moment for her.. Can I still support him and call myself a feminist? A friend? No.”

Yes, it wasn’t just Kanye’s bizarre comment about Swift that Rose took issue with, but also his recent attacks on Amber Rose and baffling claim that Bill Cosby is innocent.

When Yeezy stans came out of the woodwork claiming that Rose was essentially putting words in Swift’s mouth, the Aussie model revealed that she had firsthand knowledge of how Taylor reacted to the song:

“I was talking to Taylor last night,” Ruby tweeted. “I wouldn’t comment on something before doing due diligence.”

Other friends of Swift’s such as Gigi Hadid and Jamie King came to her defense but no one went in as hard as Ms. Rose. Everyone should have a friend like Ruby.