Showing posts with label Schulz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Schulz. Show all posts

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Revie Jane Schulz, Instagram Fitness Model, Shamed For MASSIVE Baby Bump

Of all people you would expect to be body-shamed – not that anyone, for any reason at all, should be – this comes as a total shock.

Instagram fitness star Revie Jane Schulz found herself relentlessly bullied when she got pregnant … because her baby bump was large.

You can’t make this stuff up.

When Schulz, a native of Australia, was 24 weeks pregnant with her first child, people started making comments about the size of her belly.

Not flattering ones, either.

Schulz, who welcomed daughter Lexington “Lexi” on April 9, vented about her experience in a July 4 Instagram post that went viral.

In the accompanying throwback photo (above), the owner of CrossFit Babes on the Gold Coast of Australia looks absolutely stunning.

With her clingy army-green dress, tummy on full display, there’s no way anyone could view her as anything less than radiant and beautiful.

Right? Sadly … not right.

“I posted this after so many comments were thrown my way for having a massive bump,” she wrote, adding. “I was so fed up.”

“Even when I had tried on this dress, the shop assistant said ‘Holy moly!’ My friend is 36 weeks and you’re only 24 weeks and you’re WAY bigger than her!’”

The new mom went on:

“She repeated this to the lady in the next changing room to me. I cried while I tried the dress on. I got it everywhere I went.”

“It did make me want to hide away,” Schulz admitted, but she persevered, and concluded her post with some sage advice.

Advice that should be obvious, but isn’t.

“Here’s a tip,” she says. “Don’t mention the size of a bump.” 

“No ‘you’re so big!’s No ‘oh! You’re so tiny’s.’ Just say something like ‘you look beautiful / healthy / amazing!’”

The post resonated with the drop dead gorgeous brunette beauty’s 118,000 followers, more than 6,600 of whom shared it.

“When I was pregnant with my first everyone commented my belly was too small & it made me cry,” one fan commented.

“I always felt like I was doing something wrong, crap at growing a baby or just so fat everywhere else you couldn’t notice my bump enough.”

Another wrote in response: “I was the exact same when I was pregnant. I was so sick of everyone saying ‘omg you’re huge."”

“I cried like a hundred times and felt so unattractive.”

Schulz isn’t the first Instagram fitness star to be shamed … for a variety of reasons. It seems nothing will please the trolls. Nothing. 

There’s Hannah Polites, whose abs were just too toned:

Or Sarah Stage, who really needs no introduction:

Pregnant Chontel Duncan grabbed headlines last fall after posing tummy-to-tummy with her friend, who was four weeks further along.

Addressing the difference in belly sizes – which was significant, thus the entire reason for her post – Duncan noted:

“Each woman carries differently, and this most certainly doesn’t mean one is doing something wrong or not healthy.”

“We both have healthy growing babies, and we both have had incredible pregnancies so far, feeling amazing and full of energy.”

Then there’s even Liz Krueger (below), a fitness model bullied for wearing a mini-dress and looking hot at a wedding.

Is nothing sacred?!