Showing posts with label Scolds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scolds. Show all posts

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Abby Wambach Scolds FIFA, Prize Money Increase Ain"t Good Enough!

Abby Wambach says FIFA’s decision to double the prize money for the Women’s World Cup is good — but it’s still FAR less from what the men are getting … AND THAT’S NOT OKAY!!! We spotted the Team USA soccer legend at LAX hours after the FIFA…


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Kim Kardashian West Fake Scolds North For Using Her Makeup

Kim Kardashian West couldn’t hold back her laughter telling her daughter North to put the eye shadow brush down as her mini-me generously applied it all over her face, and we do mean ALL over. Kim shared a video of North back to her usual hijinx –…


Monday, October 24, 2016

Justin Bieber Scolds Fans, Storms Off Stage

Over the past few years, Justin Bieber has often gone off on cameramen, even getting into physical altercations with some members of the paparazzi.

He’s also blasted the media at times for how it has portrayed the artist.

But now Bieber appears to have taken on a new, wholly unexpected foe:

His very own fans!

It started last week, when Bieber performed in Birmingham, England and got annoyed that fans kept yammering away in the audience.

“Can you guys do me a favor? Can you guys just relax for about two seconds?” Bieber asked his fans in an irritated tone.

“I get it, I get it,” he added, “But I’m like two feet away from you. And I can hear you. I appreciate all the love, it’s amazing, but can you show it in a different way?

“Screaming is just so obnoxious.”

Yes, Justin Bieber yelled at his fans for screaming; that is, for being too passionate in their love for him.

Fast forward a couple of days later and Bieber was on stage in Manchester… and once again he went off on his own supporters for daring to yell when he wanted to talk.

While trying to sound all profound about the way everyone has a “purpose,” Bieber stopped midway through his speech and just said to screw it.

“I’ll get to singing,” he told the crowd, pissed off once more.

“I don’t mind cutting the bullsh-t because I don’t need to talk. I’m just trying to engage, but if you guys don’t want to do that then we can just play the music.”

Watch him come across like a spoiler little jerk below:

That brings us to yet another concert in Manchester on Sunday.

And yet another instance of Bieber getting angry at his attendees for expressing their enthusiasm in loud tones.

“I appreciate all the support, I appreciate love, I appreciate the kind things. But the screaming in these breaks has got to stop. Please and thank you,” Bieber scolded.

“I don’t think it’s necessary when I’m trying to say something and you guys are screaming. I feel like I wanna connect with you.”

And your fans want to connect with you, Justin. But they can only do so by yelling.

“The point of the no-screaming thing is that when I’m looking at you in the eyes you know that we’re actually having a moment and having a connection,” Bieber actually added.

He then walked off stage.

For real:

According to the BBC, Bieber did simmer down backstage, returned and told the audience it was “awesome,” but also emphasized that he wasn’t going to address them for the rest of the night.

“We’re just going to do the music,” he reportedly said. “Obviously Manchester just can’t handle it, so let’s do the music.

Obviously Manchester just can’t handle it.

Sorry, but… what a dick!

These meltdowns follow Bieber announcing in May that he would no longer do meet-and-greets with fans after concerts… and then Bieber deleting his Instagram this summer.

Nice to see how much he values the people who made him rich and famous, huh?
