Showing posts with label SeaWorld. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SeaWorld. Show all posts

Friday, January 6, 2017

SeaWorld Whale Tilikum Dead at 36

Tilikum — the orca that killed someone at SeaWorld in Orlando 7 years ago — has died. The giant mammal died Friday.  It’s unclear what killed him, but he had been treated for a nagging bacterial infection. The killer whale — which was…


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Steve-O: Sentenced to 30 Days in Jail for SeaWorld Stunt

Back in August, Steve-O was arrested after perpetrating a bizarre hoax designed to call attention to the mistreatment of animals at SeaWorld theme parks.

The 41-year-old Jackass star climbed a 100-foot crane in Hollywood while carrying a giant orca balloon with the message “#SeaWorldSucks” written on its side.

Once he reached the top, Steve-O began setting off fireworks in order to capture the attention of drivers and pedestrians.

More than 30 police officers and several fire trucks were called to the scene due to reports of a possible suicide attempt.

Once he climbed down, Steve-O was arrested for trespassing, setting off a firework without a permit, and conspiracy to commit a crime.

The eccentric TV star and stuntman was found guilty, and today he was sentenced to 30 days behind bars.

“Some of the resources on this hoax could have been devoted to a real emergency,” Los Angeles Fire Department spokeswoman Margaret Stewart said in an interview.

Steve-O also received 36 months probation and a $ 500 fine. In a statement posted on social media, he stated that he’s happy to serve the time if it means bringing more attention to his cause:

“Considering I’ve become a clean and sober, dog-rescuing vegan, I must say I’m ready to go to jail — not just because it will bring so much attention to the plight of orcas in captivity, but because it’s nice to let people know I haven’t lost my edge.

“What can I say, I’m a jackass. I mean, if your goal is to make a statement about captivity, you may as well get yourself locked up.”

Given some of the things we’ve seen Steve-O do over the years, we imagine 30 days behind bars won’t present him with much of a challenge.