Showing posts with label Sensation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sensation. Show all posts

Sunday, October 15, 2017

"Jeopardy" Sensation Austin Rogers, Hollywood Calls After Winning Streak

Who is … the smartest bartender in the world.  Damn right … it’s Austin Rogers, the “Jeopardy” sensation who’s now got some serious thinking to do after his impressive 12-game winning streak came to an end Thursday … because he’s now…


"Jeopardy" Sensation Austin Rogers, Hollywood Calls After Winning Streak

Who is … the smartest bartender in the world.  Damn right … it’s Austin Rogers, the “Jeopardy” sensation who’s now got some serious thinking to do after his impressive 12-game winning streak came to an end Thursday … because he’s now…


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Auntie Fee Dies at 59, Internet Sensation Had a Heart Attack (VIDEOS)

Auntie Fee, the viral video sensation also known as Chef Sista Girl, is whipping up some “good ass chicken” for God now — she’s died of a heart attack … TMZ has learned. Auntie’s family members tell us … she was feeling sick all weekend and…


Monday, December 14, 2015

Jogger Interrupts News Report, Becomes Internet Sensation

Say hello to Ethan Renoe.

He"s also now known as The Internet"s Favorite Shirtless Jogger.

With unseasonably warm weather spread across the East Coast and Midwest (Yay for climate change! In the short term!), Renoe was running around Lake Michigan in Chicago over the weekend when he happened upon a WGN-TV live news report.

Journalist Tahman Bradley was taken aback by the encounter, which started with the reporter posing a simple question to the pedestrian.

Dude, where is your shirt, man?" Bradley asks Renoe on camera.

Says Ethan in response, also on camera:

"It’s a great day for a run, [and] it’s too wet for a shirt. I love running in the rain, and I’m also single!"

HA! It doesn"t sound like someone lacks for confidence, does it?

Renoe also revealed that he"s originally from Colorado and he"s heading home for the holidays this week.

The video was posted to WGN-TV"s Facebook page and has been viewed over 1.7 million times, earning a spot in our Hilariously Awesome Moments in News collection.

"It"s really been crazy. I have about 900 friend requests [on Facebook] right now that I have to sort through," Reno told WGN-TV reporters on Monday.

"The feedback has been really crazy."

When asked if he"s "looking for love," Renoe replied very simply: "I am."

So he looks like this AND he"s honest? Let the lines begin, ladies!

Shirtless jogger interrupts news report becomes internet sensati

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

#SelfieRat Takes Rightful Place as Internet Sensation

Move over, #PizzaRat.

Take a seat, #MilkshakeSquirrel.

It"s time to make room on the Internet for #SelfieRat. Allow us to explain… and then prepare to be totally and completely grossed out:

Earlier this month, a man was sleeping on the subway platform in Crown Heights, Brooklyn when another pedestrian happened to be filming him.

Things then turned unexpectedly exciting when the man was awoken by his slumber by a rat. On his person. In his clothing.

So, you know, pretty much everyone"s worst nightmare come true.

We see the man jump up in an understandable panic in this video, but then we also learn that the rat managed to somehow snap a selfie with the man"s cell phone.

According to the following video, the flash on his phone is actually what caused the man to wake up… and then the rat crawling all over his body is what caused him to make a short run for it.

We feel all gross and disgusting just writing about this incident.

Still, we must tip our figurative caps to the rat, who somehow figured out how to use a cell phone and whose 15 minutes of fame may last even longer than his aforementioned viral animal friends as a result.

See how this all went down now:

Number selfierat awakens nyc residents grosses out interview