Showing posts with label SexSlave. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SexSlave. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Heiress Used Her Fortune to Bankroll NXIVM Sex-Slave Cult

We all know how Smallville actress Allison Mack became a leader in a sex-slave cult. But she and cult leader Keith Raniere were not in this venture alone.

NXIVM, the sex-slave cult that lured women into its ranks under the guise of a women’s empowerment, was financed by heiress Clare Bronfman.

Bronfman has now been busted for racketeering and other charges in connection with her involvement.

Clare Bronfman is a Seagram’s liquor heiress and the daughter of the late Edgar Bronfman.

The 39-year-old is a wealthy philanthropist and she is also known as a dedicated equestrian.

She is also very much under arrest after the police say that she used her inherited wealth to bankroll NXIVM. They say that she was one of the organization’s leaders.

On Tuesday, she was busted for racketeering and a number of other crimes.

She plead not guilty to conspiring with Raniere to steal the email passwords of his (perceived) enemies, place charges on the credit card of his deceased ex, and launder money in order to help a non-citizen gain fraudulent entry to the U.S.

Clare and her sister, Sara, were both involved in NXIVM, but it sounds like Clare is — for the moment — the one facing criminal charges.

Prosecutors say that Clare and Sara financed NXIVM, helping to lend it credibility as a self-help organization. Which, in turn, helped Raniere to lure more alleged victims.

As you may recall from last November’s explosive report when Allison Mack was outed as a “master” in a sex-slave cult, the allegations are that NXIVM functions like a pyramid scheme, in which women are expected to recruit new members.

Unfortunately, the allegations say that these women must surrender blackmail material in order to advance, and are then branded with Keith Raniere’s initials.

According to reports, these women ultimately answered to Mack, who was entrusted with selecting which women would have sex with Raniere.

Unfortunately, this is said to have gone far beyond mixing roleplay with sex.

First of all, former members of NXIVM and its internal organization, DOS (dominance over the slave women) have come forward and revealed that they ddi not know that they were going to be branded.

Second of all, the blackmail material existed to discourage women from balking at Mack’s orders.

Additionally, it was said that physical punishments, from sleep deprivation to even violence, was wielded to encourage the “slaves” to toe the line.

Sex is not consensual if you’re being threatened or blackmailed into saying “yes.”

On the NXIVM website, Clare Bronfman claimed: “neither NXIVM nor Keith have abused or coerced anyone.”

Interestingly, she did confirm that DOS exists within NXIVM.

“W]hile I am not and never have been a member of the sorority,” Clare wrote. “[It] has not coerced nor abused anyone.”

“In fact, the sorority has truly benefited the lives of its members, and does so freely,” Clare claims. “I find no fault in a group of women… freely taking a vow of loyalty and friendship with one another.”

She says that these women do so “to feel safe while pushing back against the fears that have stifled their personal and professional growth.”

“It’s not for any of us to judge how they, or anyone else, choose to advance their lives and values,” Clare rights.

If the choice were truly up to these women, she’d by right. People can have whatever kind of consensual intercourse that they like.

But prosecutors are after Raniere, Mack, and now Bronfman for alleged criminal activities.

It is entirely possible that Bronfman did not know that blackmail and violence were being used. It is not uncommon for people in cults or organized religions to trust their religious leaders absolutely.

If Clare comes to realize the sort of operation that Raniere was running on her dime, perhaps she will turn state’s evidence.

If convicted on all charges, this heiress could potentially face 20 years in prison.


Friday, April 20, 2018

Allison Mack: Arrested for Role in Sex-Slave Cult

In November, an explosive expose outed Smallville actress Allison Mack as a “master” in a sex slave cult and pyramid scheme that allegedly masquerades as a self-help group for women.

In the wake of that, both Allison Mack and accused cult leader Keith Raniere fled.

Now, however, they have been found and arrested on multiple charges that could put them behind bars for many years.

Allison Mack will reportedly appear Friday in Brooklyn court over her role in the Nxivm sex slave cult known as DOS.

Keith Raniere was arrested for sex trafficking and forced labor while hiding out in Mexico and shipped back to the US.

Allison Mack has now also been arrested.

The two of them will face charges including sex trafficking, sex trafficking conspiracy, and forced labor conspiracy.

(It is very much illegal to allegedly torture people and blackmail them into having sex, folks)

They could both be looking at 15 years in prison.

Per the stunning report last November, Allison Mack was responsible for recruiting “slaves” to serve Raniere, who was known as “Vanguard” within the cult.

Reportedly, Allison would have sex with Raniere but also select women within the cult to have sex with him — and use her celebrity status to recruit new women to join Nxivm.

DOS is a program within Nxivm, in which women were reportedly made to give up blackmail material and were then branded with Raniere’s initials as part of a “self-improvement” program.

Everyone lower on the pyramid was a “slave.” Anyone higher was a “master.” An interesting play on what sounds like, structurally, a classic pyramid scheme.

Failure to obey orders was met with punishments like food deprivation, cold showers, or even corporal reprisals handed out by a master.

And Allison Mack was apparently a “master” who answered only to Raniere.

For a decade, the 35-year-old actress played the adorable and brilliant Chloe Sullivan on the cult favorite TV series, Smallville.

(This was before shows like Arrow came along to remind people that live-action superhero shows could be genuinely good, but it did run for 10 years)

People who once admired her have a hard time reconciling the sweet, bubbly woman they saw on their screens with a woman who would allegedly blackmail or paddle women to coerce them into having sex with a cult leader.

According to some statements, it sounded like Mack was deeply devoted to Raniere.

… To the point where she was said to seem jealous of women whom she herself sent to Raniere’s bed.

Some question Mack’s culpability.

On the one hand, she’s a grown woman who has allegedly been overseeing a sex slave cult on behalf of a deranged lunatic.

On the other, she has appeared obsessed with weight loss, keeping herself to an unhealthy weight through exercise and starvation — above and beyond what is expected from all of the “slaves” below her.

Depriving someone of things like food in a “self-help” setting, and grooming someone over the course of years to obey you unquestioningly, can have a powerful effect.

That said, from what is reported, Mack was never kidnapped by Raniere. Whatever psychological hold he may have on her, it sounds like she did everything of her own free will, every step of the way.

She may be both a victim and a victimizer, but for now, it sounds like she’s culpable for her actions.

Perhaps something will come out at trial that will change people’s minds.

Every part of this story is bizarre, sensational, and alarming.

By the way, even though Kristin Kreuk is the one who allegedly recruited Allison Mack, at the time, Nxivm was apparently just a mildly creepy self-empowerment group for women.

So we don’t expect Kristin Kreuk, who took a simple course and then left, to face charges for the crimes committed by others when she was not in any way involved.

Allison Mack’s former Smallville costar is horrified by what she’s heard.

And so is everyone else.

We can only imagine what more we’ll all learn as this case goes to trial.
