Showing posts with label Shrug. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shrug. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Kim Zolciak Posts Bikini Pics From Every Angle, Fans Shrug

If you follow her on Instagram, you know that Kim Zolciak bikini selfies are a frequent occurrence.

She doesn’t rock swimwear in front of the mirror every single day, but it’s rare that a full week goes by without Kim flaunting her curves on social media.’

And we say go for it!

After all, Kim’s 39 years old, she’s given birth to six kids, and she has every right to be proud of the shape that she’s in.

Of course, bikini selfies tend to be a product of diminishing returns.

The same pose that racked up the likes and complimentary comments a few years ago might be greeted with a universal “meh” these days.

And in Kim’s case, she’s even received some harsh criticism for her pics that had less to do with her body (which is unassailably on-point) and more to do with the timing of her photos.

Most recently, Kim posted a bikini pic while her son recovered from a dog attack that left him hospitalized.

Prior to that, fans expressed misgivings about the idea of Zolciak posting “competing” bikini pics with her daughter, 20-year-old Brielle Biermann.

But clearly, Kim subscribes to the “bad press is better than no press” philosophy.

She’s ramped up her bikini pic game in recent weeks, and we’re guessing it has less to do with summer being upon us than other factors.

Most notably, the simple fact that her latest swimwear selfies sparked the kind of uproar that’s music to her ears.

Kim’s found a way to combine sex with recreational outrage, which are the two forces that make the Internet go ‘round.

Unfortunately, it seems that even that formula is no guarantor of continued popularity on the ‘Gram.

Kim’s likes across all social media platforms appear to be on the decline.

(We keep track of this sort of thing so that you don’t have to.)

And it seems like she doesn’t have too many tricks up her none-existent sleeves.

Zolciak renewed her wedding vows recently, and while the pics resulted in a slight uptick in engagement, it’s not like she can renew her vows once a week.

There are limits to even the most extreme thirst.

Looks like it may be time for Kim to pull a Kris Jenner and focus on her exploiting her selfie-obsessed daughter … 
