Showing posts with label Snowball. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snowball. Show all posts

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Senator Cory Booker Says Trump and Biden Should Snowball Fight it Out

Senator Cory Booker thinks Donald Trump and Joe Biden should take a cue from his own icy duel with Senator Jeff Flake … and that, he thinks, could be a battle for the ages.  We got the New Jersey Dem on Capitol Hill Thursday and asked…


Senator Cory Booker Says Trump and Biden Should Snowball Fight it Out

Senator Cory Booker thinks Donald Trump and Joe Biden should take a cue from his own icy duel with Senator Jeff Flake … and that, he thinks, could be a battle for the ages.  We got the New Jersey Dem on Capitol Hill Thursday and asked…


Senators Jeff Flake and Cory Booker Snowball Fight on Capitol Hill

Donald Trump and Joe Biden’s hypothetical high school brawl apparently has D.C. in a fighting mood — ‘cause 2 senators actually got into it … with snowballs. Republican Sen. Jeff Flake and Democrat Sen. Cory Booker had themselves a good ol’…


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Nor"easter Hits Philly Reporter Hard, in Form of Snowball to the Face

Rule #1 of live reporting during a massive snowstorm — don’t jinx yourself by speaking a snowball into existence, unless you wanna take an icy shot to the face … like this reporter did. Lauren Dawn was covering the nor’easter Wednesday for…
