Showing posts with label Someplace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Someplace. Show all posts

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Demi Lovato to Check Into Rehab... Someplace

Demi Lovato is reportedly getting the heck out of Los Angeles.

Multiple outlets have confirmed that the trouble singer agrees she needs professional assistance once again and is willing to check into a treatment faclity once she leaves the hospital.

But there’s a bit more to it than this.

Following her frightening overdose on Tuesday morning, those close to Lovato have convinced her that she needs to get far away from Hollywood in order to focus on her health.

As a result, Demi will check into a facility not located anywhere near Los Angeles.

An insider explains to Radar Online that The City of Angeles simply supplies Lovato with an abundance of “triggers;” that is, too many tempations that could make it easy for her to plummet off the wagon once again.

The goal is to keep the singer as far away from the spotlight, and from various bad influences in her life, as possible.

“She won’t be going to a rehab where she would receive a lot of attention,” this source explains.

Lovato previously underwent treatment at Timberline Knolls in Illinois after she punched a backup dancer in 2010.

Three years later, she checked into a sober living facility.

Ever since, Lovato has been very candid (in magazine interviews, in her 2017 YouTube documentary, in a multitude of social media captions) about her struggles with addiction and with body image.

She had just fairly recently celebrated six years of sobriety a few months before overdosing on some kind of narcotic this week and being rushed to the hospital.

It remains unknown at the moment just what substance Lovato took that prompted this emergency, but fan speculation is running wild.

Lovato was found unconscious by paramedics on Monday and administed a dose of Narcan, which is a medicine used to reverse the effects of many drug overdoses.

In a rather disturbing piece of news, People Magazine reports that Lovato and the friends with whom she was partying all night were actually prepared for an overdose.

“She and her ‘friends’ were on a binger the entire night,” an insider told this publication, adding:

“They keep Narcan on hand for such situations… The people she has been hanging around lately aren’t her real friends – they don’t have her best interests at heart.

“She’s pushed her true friends away.”

TMZ backs up this claim.

According to that celebrity gossip website, members of Lovato’s inner circle staged an intervention for her several weeks ago.

It was very clear to those who actually care about her that Demi was back to drinking and using drugs and spiraling down a dark path very quickly.

But Demi rejected their plea that she enter rehab back then.

For his role in this intervention, long-time manager Phil McIntyre was fired by Lovato.

What else can we now report about Lovato’s overdose?

The singer’s publicist has said the following:

“Demi is awake and with her family who want to express thanks to everyone for the love, prayers and support.”

A variety of sources has seemingly confirmed that Lovato was at the Saddle Ranch bar and restaurant in Los Angeles prior to overdosing at her home, “taking shots with her friends,” per E! News.

She was celebrating her choreographer’s birthday at the bar and later continued the party at her house in the Hollywood Hills.

“She had been partying for 12 straight hours and it caught up with her,” another source told E! News, adding:

“This was going on for a few weeks and the warning signs were there. She slipped up and thought she could handle it.

“This is obviously a huge wake-up call. Demi doesn’t want to die and she’s very grateful to be alive. She will be leaving the hospital and heading straight to rehab.

“Her family has been by her side supporting her and is getting her the help she needs.”

We can also report that Demi’s serious ex-boyfriend of many years, Willmer Valderrama, visited her in the hospital yesterday.
