Showing posts with label Such. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Such. Show all posts

Thursday, September 1, 2016

John Legend on The Star-Spangled Banner: Such Weak Sauce!

John Legend is stepping into what may be America’s most polarizing controversy at the moment.

And it centers around America’s long-time theme song.

Last week, San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick made headlines for something he did away from the field.

Just a few feet away from the field, to be exact.

Prior to a preseason game against the Green Bay Packers, Kaepernick sat down on the bench during the Star-Spangled Banner.

He bucked the tradition of standing and taking off one’s hat in order to show respect for his country and he later explained why to

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” Kaepernick said.

He added:

“To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.

Here is a photo of Kaepernick taking his stand sit:

The quarterback did not cite any specific incidents, but it stands to reason that he’s motivated to make this protest by the disturbing number of African-American deaths at the hands of police officers in 2016.

For instance, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile both lost their lives in confrontations with authorities in June and July, respectively.

Neither man appeared to be an imminent threat to the lives of the cops at the time.

Kaepernick’s stance has elicited strong opinions from both sides, with critics aghast over the way he his spitting on his own country…

… and defenders saying he’s just exercising his First Amendment right to make a larger point.

On which side does Legend fall? Team Kaepernick, it would seem.

After tweeting an article about the Star-Spangled Banner that claims an often unsung verse in the Francis Scott Key classic “literally celebrates the murder of African-Americans,” Legend referred to the song as “weak.”

My vote is for “America the Beautiful,” he wrote, offering up that track as the new national anthem.


Legend then posed a question to those hating so hard on Kaepernick.

These people absent-mindedly stand up during sporting events just because they’ve been told to, but are they even aware of the basis behind the song?

Moreover, do they even like it?

“For those defending the current anthem, do you really truly love that song? I don’t and I’m very good at singing it. Like, one of the best,” he Tweeted.

It’s true. John Legend can wail!

john l tweet

Since his initial protest, the back-up signal-caller has made it clear that he’ll continue to sit “to stand with the people that are being oppressed.”

He explained:

“To me, this is something that has to change. When there’s significant change and I feel like that flag represents what it’s supposed to represent and this country is representing people the way that it’s supposed to, I’ll stand.

There’s people being murdered unjustly and [people are] not being held accountable. Cops are getting paid leave for killing people. That’s not right. That’s not right by anyone’s standards.”

This sort of stance isn’t new to anyone who has been following Kaepernick on social media.

The athlete has been outspoken when it comes to similar issues, providing his 845,000 Twitter followers and 1.3 million Instagram followers with plenty of updates about racial injustices. 

“This country stands for freedom, liberty, justice for all – and it’s not happening for all right now,” he says.

Do you agree with him? Do you think this is the proper way to stage a protest?

And, be honest, wouldn’t America the Beautiful be a better song for us all to sing anyway?

Monday, June 6, 2016

Gigi Hadid: I"m Such a Good Girlfriend!

Gigi Hadid wants the world to know that she’s a good girlfriend. 

It is a bit fitting considering her relationship is over with Zayn Malik, and also pretty random to say at an awards ceremony. 

Hadid won an award at Guys Choice Awards 2016 (Yes, that’s a thing!) on Sunday evening and had a lot of things on her mind for her speech. 

“I called a friend and was like, ‘What do I say that’s funny?” Hadid said in her acceptance speech.

“And she was like, “Try and think of like, something that you did [that was] mean to a crush in middle school and try to make a joke about that.”

“I was like, you know what? I have always been like, kind of like a good girlfriend! Like, even in middle school when I had crushes, like, I’ve always been like kind of nice!”

It would be interesting to hear Zayn’s take on whether or not this is actually true.

Moreover, it would be good to find out the reasons behind their break-up. The couple have not addressed it publicly. 

It’s almost like they don’t care about the celebrity gossip world. Sheesh!

It’s not like either of them are in dire need of free publicity. Zayn has a successful solo career and Gigi is sitting pretty with the likes of Taylor Swift… so they’re always going to be in the news. 

There is also word on the street that couple have broken up several times during their seven-month relationship and always end up back together.

So this may not be the end of their romance after all. 

At least we know that Hadid won’t be penning any songs about her relationship like her famous gal pal, Swift. At least we hope not.

Maybe Hadid’s mother, Yolanda, wants her to save some of their drama for The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills!

Can you imagine Zayn dropping by on the show? That would so awkward, but we’d still be watching!

Gigi also took time to pay tribute to Muhammad Ali, who died last week.

“I just wanted to say Muhammed Ali has touched me so much in my life and I’m so grateful to have met him,” she said.

“So I just wanted to openly say rest in peace, Muhammed…you’re the champ!”

What are your thoughts on her comments?

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Such Good News! Kim Zolciak Confirms She"s Home With Family, Continues To Recover From Health Scare!


It’s been a crazy and scary last few days for Kim Zolciak-Biermann, but at least she’s finally returning to some normalcy, since she’s now out of the hospital and back with her family!

Related: Here’s Why The Stroke May Have Actually Saved Kim’s Life

The DWTS star confirmed with a Sunday afternoon statement through her rep, Jack Ketsoyan, that she was back with her family:

“I want to thank everyone for their love and support over the past few days. I am now home with my family, resting and taking care of my health.”


As for her spot on DWTS, well, Kim was non-committal amid rumors that she may not return to the show, only saying:

“I can’t express enough how much I love dancing and this whole experience, and I hope this will not be the end of dancing.”

We’ll see what happens with that ahead of a new episode of the show this week, but at Kim is now back, safe, and home again!

Her hubby Kroy Biermann just won a really important game with the Atlanta Falcons in Dallas this afternoon, so we know he must be excited and hurrying home to see her, too!!

[Image via RWong/WENN.]