Showing posts with label Syringes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Syringes. Show all posts

Friday, April 27, 2018

Ryan Edwards: Arrested For Possession of Heroin & 14 Syringes!

Ryan Edwards might be in deep, deep trouble.

We"ve known for several weeks that Edwards was arrested for an unspecified probation violation last month, but now the charges that landed him on probation in the first place have been revealed.

And it seems more likely than ever that the troubled Teen Mom OG star will be unable to avoid jail time.

According to Radar Online, Edwards was arrested last year with a large quantity of heroin and 14 hypodermic needles.

News of these charges comes on the heels of claims by Edwards" wife, Mackenzie Standifer, that Ryan was recently taken into custody simply so he could be booked on previous charges.

Here"s everything we know so far:

1. The Bust

Ryan edwards mug shot

In March of 2017, Ryan was pulled over for an expired tag while driving near his home in Tennessee. One of the officers spotted a hypodermic needle in an open backpack Edwards’ passenger seat.

2. The Report

Ryan edwards a photo

According to a police report obtained by Radar, the officer inquired about the needle, and Ryan seemed to realize right away that he had been busted.

3. An Upfront Response?!

Ryan edwards on teen mom o g

“I asked Edwards if he had any medical conditions, and he replied, ‘No,"” the arresting officer wrote.

4. Okay, Maybe Not…

Ryan edwards not sober

“I then asked why he had a hypodermic needle in his backpack, and he replied, ‘I don’t know,"” the officer adds.

5. Big Trouble For Little Ryan

Ryan edwards with mackenzie

“I told them that the vehicle will be searched and he should inform me if there are more [needles], and Edwards replied, ‘Yes, probably,"” the officer wrote.

6. "Them"?!

Mackenzie standifer ryan edwards

The use of the plural pronoun in the report has led many to the conclusion that Mackenzie may have been with Ryan at the time of his arrest. Whatever the case, it seems Standifer might be on her own when she delivers Ryan’s baby in October…

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