Showing posts with label TaTa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TaTa. Show all posts

Friday, August 4, 2017

The Ta-Ta Towel is Here to Soak Up All Your Boob Sweat

All men love to stare at boobs. 

But not all women like to have boobs, partially because, let"s face it: Those suckers can sweat. A LOT.

Such sweat can make for uncomfortable and awkward situations, but fear not, women around the world…

… because The Ta-Ta Towel is here!

This is a real product made specifically for your breasts and we just know you"re anxious to read all about it below. Go ahead and do so now:

1. Here It Is

Here it is

The item was created by Erin Robinson, a person with breasts who says a first date was once ruined due to an influx of boob sweat.

2. It’s Versatile

Its versatile

Made of ultra-soft rayon liner with sensitive nipples in mind, the product absorbs any breast milk that might leak out during feeding. This item isn’t just about aethetics, in other words.

3. You Can Wear It in Public

You can wear it in public

Heck, it covers up more than most bikini tops these days.

4. Now You Can Lounge by the Pool in Comfort!

Now you can lounge by the pool in comfort

No one even has to know you’re wearing a towel as an article of poolside clothing.

5. What’s the Cost?

Whats the cost

$ 45. Yes, that’s a lot for a towel. But, again, this is a towel YOU CAN WEAR.

6. The Internet is Psyched

The internet is psyched

Especially because sizes range from C cups all the way to H cups.

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