Showing posts with label Teleprompter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teleprompter. Show all posts

Monday, February 13, 2017

John Travolta Says Teleprompter Blunder Was A Joke (VIDEO)

John Travolta did a funny callback to his “Adele Dazeem” 2014 Oscar blunder … problem is, a lot of people didn’t remember. Travolta was leaving the Interscope after-party in WeHo Sunday night, when he had to do what funny people dread ……


Monday, January 9, 2017

Jimmy Fallon Says Golden Globes Teleprompter Bit Was Real (VIDEO)

Jimmy Fallon was truly improvising at the start of the Golden Globes Sunday night … but had to play off a technical issue at the expense of Mariah Carey as a result. We got Jimmy arriving at Madeo in L.A. after the show, and he…
