Showing posts with label ThomasMatt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ThomasMatt. Show all posts

Monday, May 15, 2017

Peter Thomas-Matt Jordan Fight Video: Released! Insane!

As fans known The Real Housewives of Atlanta stars Peter Thomas and Matt Jordan reportedly threw down at a radio station in March.

You can remove "reportedly" from that sentence now, as video of the brawl has hit the Internet, and it"s every bit as ridiculous as advertised.

Peter, Cynthia Bailey"s husband, infamously squared off with Matt, a former soccer pro who dated Kenya Moore, in a joint radio interview.

Some words were exchanged and eventually, the host stepped between them, but it was too little too late as far as calming down Matt.

He charged at Peter, and all hell broke loose.

Thomas, who boasted at the time that he held his own in the melee, may not have told the full story there. You can be the judge though.

In any case, he"s pressing assault charges, and his attorney subpoenaed the video of the brawl from the radio station, according to TMZ.

Will this prove or hurt his case? Or be a wash?

At the Power 98 radio station in Charlotte, Jordan started tearing Thomas a new one before tensions boiled over into a physical altercation.

“I’m not going to argue,” Jordan says in an explicative-filled tirade against Thomas, who was sitting in the corner of the studio at the time.

Jordan proceeds to call Thomas a “b!tch” and throws a water bottle at him, then pushes aside the staff en route to wailing on his rival.

To say it escalated quickly suddenly makes it sound like everything else that has escalated quickly didn"t really, because this was intense.

Punches were thrown, Jordan slammed Thomas on the table and it took two guys to pull him off, as far as we can tell from the footage.

After the dust settled, Thomas called the cops.

An assault complaint against Jordan was filed shortly thereafter in what was one of many explosive altercations to end this season on RHOA.

Previously, star Phaedra Parks was fired for telling Porsha Williams that Kandi Burruss and Todd Tucker wanted to drug and rape her.

Yes, that was actually a thing that happened.

Fights at the radio station are par for the course by comparison, evidently, in the eyes of Bravo, who found this to be beyond the pale.

The fight was crazy thought. Watch it below.

Peter thomas matt jordan fight video released insane