Showing posts with label TwoYearOld. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TwoYearOld. Show all posts

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Kim Zolciak: Plastic Surgery for Two-Year-Old Daughter?!

Every day, it’s looking more and more like we’re no longer on Earth, or at least not the Earth we used to know.

Some way, somehow, we had to have gotten knocked into some alternate dimension, a hellscape where hope is gone and happiness is impossible. RIP, all good things.

Like, Donald Trump is running for president. Something terrible happened to us.

And then, we have Kim Zolciak.

We don’t know what circle of hell she reigns over, but it sure is awful down here.

Seriously, check out this photo she posted of her two-year-old daughter, Kaia Rose, then try to tell us that she’s not some kind of wicked nightmare creature:

This is questionable, right?

Kaia’s two, she’ll turn three next month, and to have those little emojis covering her chest … just put a shirt on your kid, Kim. If you can put a bedazzled lace collar on her, you can manage a shirt.

But while the photo itself is awful, it’s nothing compared to Kim’s caption:

“If you zoom in on my nose you will see my mom is already molding my face to look just like hers … as I stand there in anticipation I can’t wait to see what my face will look like.”

She included adorable, not at all obnoxious hashtags like “same plastic surgeon,” “starting an army of Kims,” “we don’t look alike cuz of genes,” and “fell flat on my face.”

Because the poor girl fell and got a nasty little gash on her nose, so let’s take a picture of it and pretend like it’s plastic surgery, right?

LOL. LOL all over the place.

Really, this is just inappropriate, and it’s inappropriate for many reasons. And thankfully, her followers were smart enough to realize that.

“KIM TAKE THIS SH-T DOWN NOW!” one person posted. “If it took for you to put emojis on the pic you shouldn’t have even posted it. You raising up a bunch of Kims alright.”

“You are a horrible disgusting mother,” another wrote. “If this picture was posted by anyone else people would think it horrible, but for some reason all of your crazy trashy fans adore it and you. I feel sorry for your kids and for the kids of your followers.”

Yet another said “Why the hell would she put a pic like that online! Subjecting her to perverts! Dumb ass mother. Take it down!”

And one more fan got into some honest-to-God truth-tellin’ with “Jesus, why … I love your show and all but you did get work done on your nose! Just admit it already … you and your girls all have the same nose because you got your nose to match Brielle’s.”

“It looks great … better than your old nose … but enough already!!”

Enough already, indeed.


Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Two-Year-Old Left in Car While Parents Attend Bible Study, Dies

For the second time in just a few days, a child has been found dead after being left inside a car during sweltering hot weather.

car cop

Yesterday, we reported on the tragic passing of a four-year old who was left inside the vehicle by her babysitter in Pennsylvania.

In that awful case, the caretaker bypassed the scheduled plan of taking the child to daycare and instead left the little girl inside a boiling hot car for over five hours while the woman went to another job.

By the time authorities were called, it was too late.

The girl was unresponsive and pronounced dead upon arrival at a local hospital.

Now, sadly, we must pass along news of a similar death.

A local Fox affiliate has confirmed that a two-year-old boy died after being left inside an SUV on Sunday while his parents attended a bible study at Rehoboth Praise Assembly in Dallas.

After being inside the church for 45 minutes, the parents of an infant named Boi Lei Sang realized that the youngest of their five children was missing.

The father therefore rushed out to his 2006 Honda Pilot and discovered the boy unresponsive.

It is unknown how long the child was inside the car for, but the temperature outside was over 100 degrees.

“He was very… looked like bad,” church member Reng Om told CBS DFW of the father and the son after both arrived back to the church.

“He was grabbing his kid, and the kid would not move.”

That’s because the boy was already gone.

“The child was transported to a local hospital where the child was pronounced deceased,” police spokesman Carlos Almeida told ABC News.

Police have said this remains an active investigation.

Boi Le Sang is the 21st child to pass away inside a hot car this year in the United States, according to

Aside from the story that we discussed above, there was a Texas dad in June who left his six-month-old daughter in the car for four hours and then tried to revive the infant by placing her in the fridge.

He was charged with manslaughter. 

With record temperatures across the country, it’s more important than ever that parents pay extra attention.

Please be careful out there, everyone.