Showing posts with label Unleashed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unleashed. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Unleashed Hell on Tristan Thompson After Giving Birth

Just two days after Tristan Thompson was exposed as a cheater, he witnessed Khloe Kardashian give birth to their baby girl.

Once baby True was taken out of the delivery room, Khloe reportedly turned to Tristan, the father of her first child.

… And put him on blast.

We know that they filmed Khloe when she gave birth, but we have to imagine that certain things — like the sight of the baby crowning — will never be shared.

We have a sneaking suspicion that the public will never see other things that went on in the delivery room.

RadarOnline reports that Khloe unleashed her fury on Tristan on the day of their daughter’s birth.

“When the baby was delivered and the nurse took her away from the delivery room, Khloe just snapped at him.”

Sometimes, people can lash out verbally during childbirth because they are in the greatest physical agony of their lives.

This, after-the-fact, sounds like it was Khloe talking, not the pain.

Just because she let Tristan watch his daughter get born doesn’t mean that she somehow forgot that he humiliated her in front of the world.

RadarOnline also delves into Khloe’s current dilemma: how involved does she want to be with Tristan?

They report that her momager has been offering some counsel.

“Kris has been telling Khloe she needs to set an example for her child.”

Little girls who grow up seeing their mothers accept being sidelined and embarrassed may grow up to let men do the same to them.

“So it got her thinking and the baby has changed her mindset about Tristan.”

Sometimes, being a parent gives you the strength to make the right call, even if you wouldn’t have made it for yourself.

“The decision to leave him has been weighing on her.”

It sounds like, like Natalie Imbruglia before her, Khloe is feeling torn.

“She wants to be a good role model.”

Which would mean getting the hell out of Cleveland and never flashing Tristan Thompson so much as a smile.

“But she hasn’t made up her mind.”

It sounds like Tristan has been apologizing left and right.

“Tristan is begging her and telling her it’ll never happened again and he wants to be in Khloe’s life.”

Well, people in hell want icewater.

“He’s chalking it up to messing up.”

Tristan, it is reported, is making some incredible claims.

“Seeing the baby has changed his perspective and he says he’s a changed man.”

Isn’t that almost always what serial cheaters say once they’re caught?

But it sounds like his words are tugging at Khloe’s heartstrings.

Still, Khloe wants to be strong.

“She doesn’t want the baby to be affected.”

But she has concerns about being a single parent.

“But also doesn’t want her to grow up without a father.”

Smart money says that Khloe is prepared to leave Tristan and raise her baby in Calabasas near the rest of her family.

She’s only been staying in Cleveland because she can’t fly right after giving birth.

Plus, all of the nursery stuff is still at Tristan’s home. That’s where they had thought that they would raise their daughter together.

Alas, the same penis that helped bring a new life in the world has now ruined what could have been a happy situation.

But Khloe has the skills, support, and resources to raise True Thompson as a single mother.

Plenty of happy, successful children grow up with parents who aren’t together.
