Showing posts with label Unnatural. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unnatural. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Scarlett Johansson: Monogamy Is Unnatural!

Scarlett Johansson has every right to have mixed emotions on monogamy. 

It was revealed earlier this year that she and Romain Dauriac had parted ways after almost three years of marriage.

This was a surprise to some because of the way Scarlett previously spoke out about the importance of her husband being on a different career path than her. 

That was around the time Scarlett shaded her ex-husband, Ryan Reynolds about his insecurities. 

Now, with two marriages in the can, Scarlett has some words about monogamy, and she does not think it comes naturally. 

The actress opened up about her thoughts to Playboy in an interview that was seemingly conducted before her most recent split. 

“Well, with every gain there’s a loss, right? So that’s a loss. You have to choose a path. I think the idea of marriage is very romantic; it’s a beautiful idea, and the practice of it can be a very beautiful thing,” the actress says.

“I don’t think it’s natural to be a monogamous person. I might be skewered for that, but I think it’s work. It’s a lot of work.”

As you are probably aware, celebrities tend to be placed under the highest scrutiny whenever they make controversial comments. 

“And the fact that it is such work for so many people—for everyone—the fact of that proves that it is not a natural thing,” Johansson continues.

“It’s something I have a lot of respect for and have participated in, but I think it definitely goes against some instinct to look beyond.”

The star even went as far as saying that marriages are not entirely about the couple initially. Instead, she thinks there are a lot of people involved that should not be.

“I think marriage initially involves a lot of people who have nothing to do with your relationship, because it’s a legally binding contract, and that has a weight to it. Being married is different than not being married, and anybody who tells you that it’s the same is lying.”

“It changes things. I have friends who were together for 10 years and then decided to get married, and I’ll ask them on their wedding day or right after if it’s different, and it always is. It is,” says Johansson.

“It’s a beautiful responsibility, but it’s a responsibility.”

The famous actress went as far as saying that things were different after she married Dauriac in 2014. 

“I had a really young baby at the time, so that also—our family dynamic was just different. I don’t know. Whatever that is, the thing you can’t fully put words to, it changed,” she says.

Understandably, some of that change came from Dauriac living in another country. 

“I had a baby, and also my husband was coming from another country and becoming a citizen of this country,” Johansson recalls.

“It was a huge transition for both of us, and certainly for him—moving here, committing to the States. But I think my husband has embraced America, and New York in particular, in this really endearing way…”

With the Johansson and Dauriac living in two different countries and splitting their time, Johansson was quick to reveal who was the driving force behind their decision. 

“My job takes me all over the place, so I don’t even know where I live,” she admitted.

“I guess now we’re kind of committed to living here because with our daughter we have to commit to someplace. She’ll be in school in a hot minute. The time passes like crazy.”

There had been a lot of speculation about Scarlett’s previous relationships, but she was quick to reveal that she was not dating in her earlier years. 

“I would never want to be in my early 20s again, though I did a lot of fun stuff. I wish I knew that everything changes and that nothing is forever—except death,” she says.

“It probably would’ve freed up a lot of space in my brain.”

“I was listening to this TED Talk about relationships, and the person who was giving the talk was saying that in moments when you’re starting a new relationship and your friends and family say, ‘No, this is a red flag. This person is not for you.’ Why do we ignore those people who know us so well in the moments that we don’t?”

“And then we distance ourselves from them because we’re embarrassed or whatever. It’s interesting how sometimes all you need is your good friend to tell you that you’re not acting like yourself,” the Ghost in the Shell actress explains.

 “Or that they see something in front of you that is not beneficial for you or true to who you actually are. “I don’t know,” Johansson admits. “It’s so easy to just go, ‘No, I don’t want to hear that."”

While Scarlett was unsure about romantic love, she was very sure about maternal love. 

“Just the process of being pregnant and giving birth was incredibly profound,” she says.

“Also surrendering to the fact that with babies, and particularly infants and toddlers, you have to let go of your expectations and of whatever instincts you have to take control of the situation.” 

“Of course, being a mother, you have to make decisions all the time that affect this person who is completely dependent on you, but you also have to surrender to the experience, and that in itself is really liberating. For me, it’s the best thing that has ever happened. Ever.”  
