Showing posts with label Vivian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vivian. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Cameron Douglas & Vivian Thibes Welcome First Child!

It’s only been a little more than a year since Michael Douglas’ son, Cameron Douglas, was released from prison after nearly 7 years behind bars on drug charges.

That’s enough time to ruin a life, but Cameron’s been moving forward with his life with a new approach to life and with his very pregnant girlfriend, Vivian Thibes.

But Vivian isn’t pregnant anymore, which Cameron announced with a precious post to Instagram.

Cameron Douglas’ girlfriend, yoga instructor Vivian Thibes, was way preggo in this photo … but that’s no longer the case, as Douglas excitedly shared on Instagram.

His caption reads:

Today my appreciation for Mothers all over the world has reached new heights…”

We’re sure that Mike Pence’s wife will appreciate that. (Sorry!)

“Today I took part in a miracle as my baby girl was introduced to the world through a beautiful Amazon warrior…”


We’re touched by how excited he is to become a father but we just love how he describes his beautiful wife.

“I’m so proud of you @vivianethibes.

He follows that with a white bird emoji, and then a very simple tag:


They’re so precious.

Not long ago, Vivian shared her own pregnant yoga photo, this time standing in tree pose (which, depending on your balance, is either way harder or way easier than it looks, and I can only imagine how pregnancy complicates it).

In her own captions, Vivian wrote:

“As I come to the end of my pregnancy filled with gratitude for the love and support of my friends and family.”

That’s sweet!

“I reflect on the importance of regular yoga practice.”

That makes sense. Doing yoga is a popular choice during pregnancy. Also, you know, she’s a yoga instructor. it’s clearly her thing.

“Through my practice I was able to find balance and serenity during challenging times.”

Pregnancy can be a wild ride, folks.

“Like a tree, we want to have strong roots in order to stay grounded.”

See, and she’s doing tree pose. Cute.

“So whatever is your source of strength, nourish it because you will need it when things get out of your control.”

It’s good that she’s acknowledging that not everyone’s on the same path or draws strength from the same things.

Michael Douglas has previously expressed his excitement about becoming a grandfather.

We’re sure that his happiness is only compounded by how thrilled he is that his son is, for a little over a year not, finally out of prison.

While in prison for nearly seven years for drug charges (and as outrageous as that is, and it absolutely is, remember that men of color often have sentences several times that long for, again, nothing more than drug charges), Cameron did not have an easy time.

Cameron Douglas was beaten in prison.

In fact, he even had his leg broken by another inmate.

What it says about our society that nonviolent offenders are caged with vicious, violent offenders and spend years living in fear … well, it’s an indictment of our legal system, really.

That Cameron Douglas is in a mental and emotional place to move on with his life after surviving the horror show that is prison is a good sign.

We don’t know the name of Cameron and Vivian’s little girl, yet.

But we’re so excited that she’s been born and that it sounds like everyone involved is alright.

Congratulations to that entire family, honestly.
