Showing posts with label Wilberforce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wilberforce. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Jessa Duggar Shares New Henry Wilberforce Pic: Swoon Now!

Jessa Duggar just became a mother for the second time this month. Now the Counting On star is back with a new photo of her baby boy!

Her adorable baby boy, in case that doesn’t go without saying …

“My [heart emoji] is full,” the mom of two captioned the photo.

As the Seewald household grows, so do all of their hearts. It’s a feeling all parents out there know, even when their children grow up.

On Tuesday, Jessa posted the above picture of newborn Henry Wilberforce fast sleep in her arms while his big brother Spurgeon plays.

Spurge was born just 15 months ago, and boy has he grown!

While he didn’t initially know exactly what to make of his infant brother, who was born on February 6, he’s taking well to it now, Jessa says.

“We thought, ‘This is going to be so adorable,’ but he wasn’t really sure about it,” the 24-year-old said. “He thought Henry was a toy.”

Having two kids so close in age is something Ben and Jessa have expressed excitement about, but right now, that age is really little.

Naturally, the new big brother “wanted to touch his eyes and put his finger in the baby’s mouth” and he “has no concept of being soft.”

He will learn that in time. Maybe … hopefully.

As for adding to their family, Jessa admitted that before they can think about expanding, they first need to expand their square footage.

“We just need a little more space,” she said.

“We’re always checking the market!”

Jessa also posted a photo of herself twinning with her son, and we can’t get over how cute they are – and how much they look alike!

Like Spurgeon, Henry wasn’t Henry when he came into the world. Only a few days later did Ben and Jessa settle on his (unique) moniker. 

Henry Wilberforce Seewald and Spurgeon Elliot Seewald share their parents’ propensity for baby names, and also obvious share genes.

Reports of Jessa and Ben planning baby #3 are getting a lot of press, but in the short term, they seem focused on the tasks at hand.

Life with a baby and toddler at home is mighty hectic, but from all indications, Jessa and Ben are natural parents who handle it well.

At least as well as you could expect.

In an interview with People magazine, they shared that a little 2-on-2 isn’t that arduous a task, considering what might come along soon.

“I take one. He takes the other,” Jessa said, while Ben – a big Arkansas basketball fan – used a sports metaphor to describe his parenting.

Says the proud 21-year-old dad:

“Right now we have two kids and two of us, so it’s man-to-man coverage. When we have more, we’ll have to switch it up to a zone defense!”

Over the moon with their new addition – both of the new additions, to be fair – it’s no surprise that the spirits are positive for the Seewalds.

If and when they do get around to having a third, which we honestly doing expect to be too far in the distant future, parenthood suits them.

Check out the gallery below:
