Showing posts with label Womb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Womb. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Anna Duggar: Here"s the Truth About My Womb!

Anna Duggar is sick and tired of letting websites and anonymous sources do the talking.

The mother of five has taken the unusual step (for her) of speaking out on social media in order to address talk that she’s pregnant with yet another child.

Such chatter has started up in earnest again for the same reason it almost always does when the topic turns to women, their appearances and a photo:

Some Internet users out there basically think they see a baby bump in Anna’s most recent Instagram snapshot.

She shared it several days ago and it drew attention at the time NOT because of how Duggar’s midsection appeared…

… but because husband Josh Duggar made any appearance whatsoever.

Indeed, initial reaction from followers featured outrage and irritation that they were reminded of Josh’s mere existence, something most folks really wish would cease to exist due to his past of:

1. Molesting his sisters.

2. Cheating on his wife.

However, once annoyance over seeing Josh’s dishonest and immoral face subsided, users looked at Anna’s belly and wondered:


And Anna is now here with the answer.

After seeing that an Instagram stranger told Anna that she was “showing,” the former reality star felt a need to end this debate once and for all.

“I’m not expecting,” she wrote. “Only overdue for adiet.”

This reply, once again, has us feeling just awful for Anna Duggar.

She is stuck in a marriage with one of the world’s worst human beings and she is essentially trapped in a cult, unable to break free.

That is all pretty terrible.

But then Duggar then also must suffer the embarrassment of having her figure analyzed and dissected by random people on the World Wide Web…

… to the point that they think she’s full-on pregnant when she’s maybe just packed on a few pounds.

That’s what happens when you eat away your feelings each night because your husband molested his sisters.

Can anyone blame Anna for likely drowning her sorrows in pints of ice cream every week?

Anna and Josh, meanwhile, already have their hands full with five kids. Yes, FIVE. And Anna is only 30 years old!

Mackynzie was born in 2009, Michael in 2007, Marcus in 2013, Meredith in 2015 and Mason in 2017.

The last one truly took fans by surprise, considering the pregnancy announcement was made a mere two years after Josh confessed to inappropriately groping two of his siblings.

“For nearly the last two years, we have quietly worked to save our marriage, focus on our children, and rebuild our lives together as a family,” the couple said back then, adding:

“Doing so is never easy after a breach of trust.

“We’ve learned that a life of faith and rebuilding a life together is simply done one day at a time.”
