Even though Demi Lovato loves Kylie Jenner’s lips, she was apparently no great fan of a pouty pucker that she got tattooed on her wrist a while back.
After being frequently reminded that the tatt looked more than a little bit like a damaged vadge, Demi finally had the ink covered up a few weeks ago.
She shared the above photo of her new ink on Instagram, and Ashley McMullen, the artist who tatted Demi's wrist lips, was not pleased to see that her work didn't pass muster.
McMullen hit the comments section and spewed forth an epic IG rant for the ages:
"You pissed all over our toilet seat and you made a fool of yourself," McMullen wrote. "What a shame that people look up to you. The tattoo you covered it with kinda sucks too. Looks like you might forever be a goon...#turd #claimstobesober #drankallthebeer #peepeetoiletseat"
Harsh, but then again, Demi kinda stuck it to McMullen by hashtagging the pic of her new tatt with #RIPVaginaTattoo #KidsDontDoDrugs"
Demi could've been a bit kinder in her assessment of the original work, especially since McMullen inked her for free.
On the other hand, Demi says she's been sober for three years, so claiming that she's lying/calling her out for stuff she did while drunk several years ago is 100% not cool.
(Tattooing people who you know to be drunk is also not cool, but we won't even get into that here.)
At the end of the day, it looks like both of these ladies said some things they'll probably regret, but Demi's advice to her young fans remains valid:
Don't do drugs, and definitely don't get inked while under the influence.
Of course, if we felt like being harsh, we could add to that, don't be a hypocrite and celebrate 4/20 on Instagram when you preach tee-total sobriety the rest of the year. Just sayin'.