Thursday, December 22, 2016

Chelsea Houska: Will We See Her Giving Birth on Teen Mom 2?!

Chelsea Houska, the greatest Teen Mom of them all, has about two months to go until she gives birth to her second child — her first with her precious new husband, Cole DeBoer.

And even though we don’t know her, and even though we will never meet her or the baby or have anything to do with them … well, it’s just exciting, isn’t it?

Chelsea’s due date is on Valentine’s Day, February 14th, and she and Cole are expecting a little boy.

But will she allow MTV cameras to film the actual birth for Teen Mom 2?

Will we see any footage from her labor? Or maybe from right after the baby is born?

Will we get anything?!

Chelsea answers all these desperate questions and more in this new interview she did with Wetpaint … and boy, are you in for a surprise!

But let’s start off light: for instance, did you know that this new season, the one with the pregnancy and the wedding, is Chelsea’s favorite so far?

“It’s more focused on Cole and myself and my family,” she explains, “and not so much drama. It’s my favorite.”

By “not so much drama,” we’re guessing she means “not so much Adam Lind.” And that’s more than fair.

But if you live for drama — welcome to the family!!! — don’t worry, because Chelsea adds “I’m sure there’s some Adam drama mixed in, it’s always there.”

She says that she “cannot even remember the last time I spoke to him,” but that this new season will feature some of their ongoing issues surrounding the child support he’s supposed to be giving her for Aubree.

About that, Chelsea says “I mean, he hasn’t changed, so … nothing’s improved.”

And speaking of how Adam hasn’t changed, Chelsea says that even though Adam’s claimed that he’s done with the show, that’s probably not totally true.

“I feel like he might not film for a while and then kinda be like, ‘oh sh-t, I better do something,"” she theorizes.

“I think it bothers him when he’s not able to say his side or whatever. Who knows?”

Then Chelsea proves that she’s just like us with “I would love it if he quit the show. That would make me so happy. We could only wait and see.”

But enough about Adam and his awfulness and irresponsibility and jackassery … let’s hear about the new baby!

She was asked about why she’s been sharing so much about her pregnancy when she’s been super private about her October wedding with Cole, and she adorably answered, “I just feel like I’m so excited.”

She clarifies “I mean, I was excited about the wedding, too, but it’s nice for people to relate who are going through pregnancy at the same time. It’s nice to share how I’m feeling.”

Unfortunately, Chelsea’s desire to share her feelings don’t extend to sharing actual footage on national television.

She says that there were no camera’s “at doctor’s appointments or anything,” but “they’re at the baby shower for a while.”

And that’s because “This is Cole’s firstborn baby and he didn’t sign up for this show so I just want him to be able to have his moments to himself and not have to feel like he has to share them with anybody.”

“So it’s a hard line that I’m trying to balance right now.”

And sadly, there will “for sure” be no cameras in the delivery room.

She had to try to balance that same line with her wedding — she says that MTV filmed a lot of wedding planning and the preparation right before the wedding, but “just not the actual ceremony.”

Next October, around their first anniversary, Chelsea and Cole plan on having a big reception with more friends and family present. No word on whether or not she’ll allow cameras at that one!

But even though it may hurt that Chelsea won’t share so much of her life with us anymore, she’s not some cold, unfeeling robot.

When asked whether or not she plans on sharing photos of her new baby once he’s born, she says “I don’t know, I feel like I’m not going to be able to wait because I’m going to be so excited and just want everyone to see him!”

Poor, adorable Chelsea adds that she’s “still really nervous!” about having a boy, but says that she has talked to Teen Mom bestie Kailyn Lowry about what it’s like.

And, to end things on a seriously cute note, Chelsea throws in the fact that little Aubree is still super in love with Cole.

“He’s way cooler than me to her!” she laughs.

Oh, Chelsea. Oh, Cole, Aubree, and future baby. Never change.
