Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Camila Cabello Fires Back at Fifth Harmony: Read Her Statement

As previously reported, the professional relationship between Camila Cabello and Fifth Harmony is over.

But the tension is clearly just beginning.

On Sunday, mere hours after performing in Florida with the group, Cabello decided to walk away. This much is not up for dispute.

She is no longer a member of the popular band.

But Fifth Harmony claimed over the weekend that Cabello never actually spoke to them about her departure.

Lauren Jauregui, Ally Brooke Hernandez, Normani Kordei and Dinah Jane said that Cabello has a representative inform them of her career move, prompting a rather pointed statement in response.

It read as follows:

After 4 and a half years of being together, we have been informed via her representatives that Camila has decided to leave Fifth Harmony. We wish her well.

You Harmonizers have been there with us since the beginning, you’ve supported us, you’ve rejoiced and cried with us, you’ve grown with us, and with your love and support, we will continue on.

We are excited to announce that we will be moving forward with the four of us – Ally Brooke, Normani Kordei, Dinah Jane and Lauren Jauregui for our fans. We are four strong, committed women who will continue with Fifth Harmony, as well as our solo endeavors

We are excited for our future, and we can’t wait for what the new year brings. Harmonizers, we are in this together. We love you with all of our hearts. Love Ally, Normani, Dinah and Lauren.

Not that bad, right?

No real shots are taken against Cabello here.

But the women are clearly miffed and a bit angry over her allegedly prompt choice to leave.

Cabello, however, broke her silence on the issue a day later.

Having read the above statement, this artist fired back on Instagram, sharing a lengthy statement of her own that took issue with how her former collaborators were portraying her in the media.

“I was shocked to read the statement the Fifth Harmony account posted without my knowing,” Cabello wrote.

“The girls were aware of my feelings through the long, much needed conversations about the future that we had during tour. Saying they were just informed through my representatives that I was ‘leaving the group’ is simply not true.”

She continued:

“Just like the other girls said in their statement about their plans, I had also planned to continue with my own solo endeavors in the new year, but I did not intend to end things with Fifth Harmony this way.

“As sad as it is to see this chapter ending this way, I will continue to root them all on as individuals and as a group, I wish nothing but the best for them, all the success in the world and true happiness.”

Cabello then went on to confirm future work on a solo album in 2017 and concluded:

“As scary as it is to take the leap, I am excited and full of joy because I know that no matter what happens, I am following my heart. I hope to see you on my journey.”

Read her full statement below:

Camila Cabello statement

In turn, Fifth Harmony then went ahead and responded to this response!

On Monday night, Jauregui, Hernandez, Jane and Kordei followed up their initial statement with another that reads:

To our Harmonizers – We know you are hurt and confused, we are too. We know you want answers. And you deserve them, as you are just as much a part of this group as the four of us are.

“The last thing we want to do is engage in a battle of we said, she said, but we’ve let our story play out in press and on social media for too long. So, to our Harmonizers, who we care so deeply about, we want you to hear everything from us, unedited, not manipulated, just us, to you.”

The remaining quartet went on to press the feud further, saying Cabello never had the sort of open conversation she impled in the message above.

Over the past several months, we have consistently made every effort to sit down and discuss the future of Fifth Harmony with Camila. After months of rejection from her and her team, these supposed lengthy conversations in fact never happened, although we pleaded.

We have tried with exhausted efforts and hearts to keep this group alive as the five of us, and we want it to be very clear that unfortunately those efforts were not mutual.

The group also wrote that they had hoped to record one final record together. But Cabello’s manager told them last month that the show in Florida on December 18 would be his client’s last as a member.

We were truly hurt. We’ve been together for almost five years, been through ups and downs…

To watch Camila walk away from this special world we’ve built with you is tough but we will move forward together. We are excited to continue to put positivity into the world and light into people’s lives.

The four of us recognize that we would be NOTHING without Fifth Harmony and we will continue to honor that.

The group concluded their statement by clarifying that they wish Cabello the best, “although [we’re] saddened by the way she and her team handled the situation.”

fifth h statement

In the end, Fifth Harmony writes…

Now that we’ve said our peace, we are done engaging in this back and forth,” they added. “We know our truth, we know the hard work we’ve put in and how we’ve tried time and time again to make this work for the five of us. We also know the love and devotion we will continue to put into this group all with the support of you, the loyal Harmonizers. We wish only good things for all.

Onward and upward.

Do you have a side to choose in this feud?

Or are you just said that it’s come to this between Cabello and Fifth Harmony?
