Thursday, December 8, 2016

Amy Duggar: Forget What You Heard, My Marriage Is Great!

Amy Duggar has always been known as the least sketchy Duggar, the most relatable member of the whole family — probably because she wasn’t raised by Jim Bob and Michelle.

But right now, Amy is on Marriage Boot Camp with her husband of one year, Dillon King.

And we are concerned.

On the show’s site, a description reads that “Upon arrival, their lack of respect for each other is apparent,” which obviously doesn’t sound all that great.

But in the trailer, Amy claims that “He picked me up by the throat, all the way up to the ceiling.”

Sounds pretty terrifying, right? Also, it sounds like Dillon just might be an abusive asshole.

But, as Amy reveals in a new interview with People, all may not be as it seems — yep, she’s denying that the incident described in the trailer has anything to do with Dillon.

“Dillon’s character is upright and he’s a good man who loves me well,” she says.

According to the celebrity news publication, when Amy was talking about someone who “picked me up by the throat, all the way up to the ceiling,” she wasn’t talking about abuse, “she was referencing a challenge during the clip that happened on the show and it was with Dillon.”

… What?

On Marriage Boot Camp, the couples often do certain challenges to help them work together as a team, and some of those challenges are physical.

So is she saying that Dillon picked her by the throat as part of a challenge?

It’s hard to say. It doesn’t really make sense, so it looks like we’re just going to have to wait for more information before we can decide if Dillon is actually a monster or not.

In the meantime, let’s check out more weird quotes from Amy!

About the couple’s decision to go on the show, Amy says “We know it’s kind of more of a wild show than we have ever been on, but we just decided it might be a really good opportunity to work out some of our kinks and grow out relationship.”

But filming was rough — she says that “There were a couple of times that were really intense and there were tears. I experienced every emotion I could while I was there.”

Don’t worry, though, their marriage was pretty much perfect before they even decided to go on a reality show designed to save marriages.

“For us,” Amy explains, “it was nothing more than we need to learn to communicate. Dillon has a tone that drives me up the wall sometimes and when we bicker, we have to learn how to talk to each other.”

She says “We were friends for so long before we got married, so we always joked and said things to each other because we were just friends.”

“Now that we are married, it’s a whole new level of respect that we had to learn.”

But while things were good before the show, now they have the best marriage out of all the marriages.

“I have never been more grateful for going on the show,” Amy gushes. “Dillon and I are on cloud nine.”

“We are really happy we learned how to communicate in a healthy way and we’re completely in love with each other. We are in a very good place.”

Whatever you say, girl.

We’re still going to hold off until we get a full explanation for that sketchy choking story, though.
