Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Emily Ratajkowski: I Get Naked to Feel Myself!

Emily Ratajkowski’s latest interview with Oyster — LOL! — magazine is nothing short of brilliance. 

The seemingly-always topless Blurred Lines video model revealed that she likes being sexy — for her own enjoyment. 

“I don’t think my career would have happened if it wasn’t for the way I look,” she admitted.

Ratajkowski continued, “I don’t think I’m being complicit.”

“Women in the last five to ten years are able to say, ‘I want to feel this way — it’s not for someone else.”

“I don’t know if in [Gloria Steinem’s] revolution in the ’60s that was really true,” she explained.

“I don’t know if there were a lot of women being sexy for their own enjoyment; that’s much more common now.” 

She also admitted that we live in a world where things are politically correct — and maybe too PC simply for the sake of being non-offensive. 

“Right now,” she explained, “we’re in this interesting phase where people are directing a lot of attention to being politically correct, being really careful about the words we use, but we’re avoiding the deep-rooted issues that revolve around those terms.”

“You know, sexism and racism exist even though you can’t say the n-word, or people don’t like to be called a bitch.”

She also addressed what she calls the United States’ “systematic racism,” which she describes as having “all those polite things but you still have a disproportionate portion of, [for example], really poor black people.”

“So how do we fix that?” she asked.

“Because that’s really ugly, ugly racism.”

But is it Donald Trump racism, though?

As for feminism, the outspoken advocate for women states that things with gender equality have been temporarily fixed on a topical level, but there’s still a major issue underneath the skin. 

Being a “sexually confident” woman, Emily admitted, also has its challenges. 

“It took me a long time to not take personally the way people write me off; it took me a long time to realize that [it was] ideas our culture has drilled into people about what it means to be an attractive woman and a woman who plays into what sexy is,” she explained.

“I always had an anger — I don’t know if anger is too harsh of a word, but a resistance to ever letting anyone write me off,” she revealed in the interview

“But it wasn’t until I was little older that I realized, ‘Holy s–t, this is sexism.’ “

As for why she incessantly shares scantily-clad photos of herself, Ratajkowski chalks it up to, again, being sexually confident. 

To Emily, it doesn’t seem there’s any boundaries when it comes to TMI … not that we’re complaining. 

She concluded, “My private life is my private life,” when asked by the interviewer where the Instagram Emily ended and the Real Emily began.

“To me it’s almost more of a visual thing — I go back and delete photos if I don’t like the way the layout of my Instagram looks.”

“But I also let people way more into my ideas and beliefs, and in that sense I’m way less separate from my public persona because I’m very outspoken about things,” she revealed.  

To be honest, whatever you’re doing, girl, we’re digging it. 
