Thursday, February 2, 2017

Ariana Grande: PREGNANT?!?!

We’ve got some big news, friends. Really big, like, bigger than Beyonce being pregnant with twins.

Ha ha, just kidding, no news for the rest of all time could be as big as Beyonce being pregnant with twins.

But this new thing is still pretty good!

Ariana Grande, according a tweet made by the Associated Press, is pregnant.


“If Ariana Grande is pregnant,” you may be wondering, “why haven’t I heard about it?”

Well, don’t worry your little heart, because there are a couple of reasons you may have missed the big announcement.

One is the previously mentioned Beyonce pregnancy.

The Queen of England could be pregnant right now and everyone would still be talking about Beyonce, let’s just be real about that.

And two, shortly after the AP tweeted the Ariana pregnancy announcement, they deleted it.

In its place, they wrote “@APEntertainment has deleted from its account a tweet about Ariana Grande. It was unauthorized. We are investigating.”

Hmmm …

Basically, one of two things is happening here.

One, someone managed to hack the AP Twitter account, or a rogue employee decided to have some fun. That person made this tweet, it’s not true, and that’s the end of the story.

Honestly, that scenario makes sense. The “who’s the father” part seems a little scandalous for the AP, and most every tweet on their account contains a link to a story or video on their site.

This one doesn’t.

But the second possibility, the less likely but infinitely more fun possibility is that Ariana really is pregnant, and someone with the Twitter login info spilled the beans a little too soon.

It wouldn’t be impossible — Ariana has been dating Mac Miller for several months now, and they seem to have gotten pretty serious.

During her amazing tirade against slut shaming back in December, when a fan of Mac’s saw them together and began making crude remarks about her, she had some high praise for him.

As she said, “I’m an adult human being in a relationship with a man who treats me with love and respect.”

It was part of a larger point, but you get what we’re saying, right?

If she’s with someone who treats her with love and respect, she’s probably sleeping with him. And if she’s sleeping with him …

Look, things happen, that’s all we’re saying.

So could Ariana really be pregnant? Was the original tweet just some joke? Just what exactly is going on in that uterus of hers?!

Only time will tell, we suppose.
