Thursday, February 9, 2017

Dance Moms Renewed: Will Abby Lee Miller Return?!?

Fans of Dance Moms have been questioning whether the the hit Lifetime series would be able to continue on for more episodes after the current run. 

The questions surrounded whether series star, Abby Lee Miller would even be able to film more episodes. 

As you probably know if you watch Dance Moms online, Abby has been going through some legal troubles and is currently awaiting sentencing on fraud charges. 

In December, Miller appeared to confirm that the show was ending in a heartfelt post about how much working on TV has changed her life. 

After all of that, she blamed the series for causing all of her legal troubles and even went as far as trashing the cast and crew. 

Her emotions were clearly all over the place as she scrambled to find someone to blame. 

However, Executive Producer, Bryan Stinson took to Twitter to confirm that the series would be returning for another batch of episodes. 

“Here we go! Kicking off another season of #dancemoms,” he tweeted.

“Let the haters hate and the lovers luv #defyingodds.”

Abby’s return to the show will probably come down to the wire due to her looming sentencing. There’s a good chance the show could go on a lenghty hiatus. 

However, would people really tune in without the beast of the east causing all the drama? Abby has been notorious for being rude to the girls in the ALDC, but could the dance squad thrive with someone new at the helm?


But the show would not be the same without Abby. It definitely seemed like Lifetime was prepared to cut its losses with the show, but the international sales must be bringing in a solid profit. 

Abby addressed the renewal with a fairly low key Instagram post. 

“Here we go 7B! Here we go,” she captioned. That’s probably confirmation enough that she’ll return in some capacity. 

That said, all she seems to do on social media these days is trash the network at every opportunity she gets. 

Her most recent tirade centered on someone at Lifetime HQ screwing up Abby’s visa, meaning she never got to spend a lot of time in Germany. 

Have a read at the HUGE rant below…

I’ve only been to Germany for a few hours! I flew in, sat in the airport, waited, then flew back in to London with a new Visa! A big screw up by who? Lifetime!!! When I flew to London all my working papers were in order for my own events, but the network had made a deal for me to film for the New Dance Mums!

They never bothered to get the correct Visa! So Instead of a quick cameo as I was originally told, they worked me for 11 hours straight! I hope to come back someday under happier circumstances!

Abby’s hearing continues February 24. 
