Monday, February 6, 2017

Airbnb Super Bowl Ad Takes Aim at Trump, Stirs Internet Debate

Airbnb most definitely went there during Super Bowl LI.

One of several Super Bowl commercials with a political bent, the following commercial aired during the first half of the Falcons-Patriots game, quickly causing its company and its affiliated hashtag to trend.

And that hashtag was this "#WeAccept."

An outspoken corporate critic of Donald Trump and his recent Executive Order (aka the Muslim Ban), Airbnb has made its objection to the President"s policies very clear over the past week or so.

“We believe no matter who you are, where you’re from, who you love or who you worship, we all belong," the commercial says.

"The world is more beautiful the more you accept.”

The Airbnb ad aired just nine days after President Trump signed an executive order to temporarily close America’s borders to all refugees, along with citizens of seven mostly Muslim countries.

The commercial does not mention this controversial ruling (which has since been challenged in court) specifically… but it"s obvious what the company is referring to in the spot.

According to The New York Times, Airbnb did not even plan on advertising on the Super Bowl until its recently learned there was inventory remaining.

In a memo to employees after the executive order, Airbnb’s chief executive, Brian Chesky wrote the following:

“This is a policy I profoundly disagree with, and it is a direct obstacle to our mission at Airbnb."

That same weekend, the company started to provide free and subsidized temporary housing for those who had been affected by the immigration restrictions.

The founders of Airbnb also penned a lengthy message on their official website soon after the ad aired.

"These efforts are just the beginning, and we hope you consider joining us by sharing your home with someone who is displaced or donating to organizations that assist those in need," it reads.

"It’s possible that a child today will grow up in a different kind of world, one where they"re accepted for who they are, no matter where they are.

"Because we really do believe that the world is a better, more beautiful place the more we accept each other

Watch the commercial below and then weigh in:

Airbnb super bowl ad takes aim at trump stirs internet debate