Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Drunk Girl Drops It Like It"s Hot, Immediately Regrets Doing So

We"ve all been there, right?

We"ve all been decked out in a revealing outfit, pregaming with some friends, listening to some tunes and unable to control ourselves.

We simply need to dance. We simply need to feel the beat, to get into the mood and prepare for what promises to be an epic night out.

That"s what a woman named Bonnie Lee Brown is doing in the following photo. Look at her go!

The problem, however, is that Brown soon decides to drop her booty down to the ground; in practice, we assume, for drawing the attention of all the guys at the club to which she"s headed.

But Brown would never make it to the club on this night.


As a result of this poorly-timed dance move, Brown ended up sitting directly down on the sharp, pointy end of her shoe rack.

She had to go to a hospital and get three stitches in her tush, along with a tetanus shot to prevent any infections from the metal pole.

"so I ended up with a pole up my bum Saturday night and had to have 3 stitches on my arse cheek and a tetnus jab, how was your weekend?" wrote the poor non-club-goer as a caption to the following video on Twitter.


Drunk girl drops it like its hot gets pole stuck up her butt