Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Look at All the Gifts My Daughter Bought Me for Valentine"s Day!

Oh, that Farrah Abraham.

So dumb. So misguided. So … no, those two things pretty much cover it.

Farrah is known for being awful and for literally nothing else, so her latest stunt shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise.

And it’s not surprising, not really. But it sure is ridiculous.

OK, so yesterday was Valentine’s Day, right? A holiday to be shared with all sorts of loved ones. Farrah celebrated with her daughter, Sophia, and that was sweet, but still, something was off.

Because see that photo up there?

Those are all gifts that Sophia bought for Farrah. With her own money.

Farrah explains it all in the caption she wrote for the photo. Buckle in, because it’s a doozy:

“So much love ! It’s crazy when Sophia’s 7 now ordering Valentine’s Day gifts for me from Siri on her Mac & checking out through PayPal that’s my #babyboss showing love”

She also added “Love you @sophialabraham your the best daughter ever #valentinesday,” but let’s focus on that first bit.

Sophia is seven years old. She has her own Mac, her own PayPal account, and she’s able to use those things to buy tons of flowers and candy for Valentine’s Day.

And just in case you think that perhaps the photo is of Farrah and Sophia’s shared haul, Farrah shared a photo showing off the gifts she bought for Sophia:

Because what kid doesn’t want gold-plated roses that cost hundreds of dollars, right? So practical!

It just seems so sad that this little girl is doing things like this when she should be focusing on being a kid.

And the vast majority of Farrah’s social media followers agreed.

“Would someone please call CPS?” someone tweeted in reply to the first photo.

“Lil parenting tip,” another person offered. “Just because they can, doesn’t mean they should.”

“She has waaay too much freedom Farrah,” yet another person told her. “This WILL backfire on you. She’s a CHILD. Leave it that way.”

Another popular theory is that Farrah lied about the whole thing and just bought thr gifts for herself. It makes sense — it wouldn’t be the first time Farrah bought herself a gift from someone else.

But really, it doesn’t matter what happened. If Sophia bought her the presents or if Farrah bought them for herself and lied, either way you slice it, it’s still sad.

And Farrah is still the worst.
