Friday, February 3, 2017

Jason Hoppy: I Will Destroy You, Bethenny Frankel!

What the heck is wrong with Jason Hoppy?

This is question many fans of Bethenny Frankel have been wondering for ages.

The ex-husband of this beloved entrepreneur and reality star has seemingly gone off the deep end over the past several months, demanding an obscene amount of money from Bethenny in court and then getting arrested this past Friday.

Yes, Hoppy actually got arrested on stalking charges after he allegedly approached Frankel outside of their daughter’s school and loudly threatened her.

Witnesses on the scene in New York claim Hoppy screamed “I WILL DESTROY YOU” at Bethenny, leaving many to wonder whether or not Hoppy is simply nuts.

But he’s not, according to Radar Online.

His behavior can be justified (in Hoppy’s mind, that is) by a very rational and thought-out plan:

He really does want to destroy Frankel.

A source familiar with the situation puts it in simple terms when speaking to Radar Online.

“He wants to get her FIRED,” this insider says of Hoppy, explaining why he’s been all up in Bethenny’s life ever since the two broke up.

Along with literally telling Frankel he plans to “destroy” her last week, Hoppy supposedly said the following:

“You can get all the lawyers you want. You’ve been warned.”

This was a reference to a cease-and-desist letter fired off by an attorney for Frankel’s boyfriend, Dennis Shields, toward the end of last year after Hoppy reportedly sent Shields and Frankel an endless number of harassing emails.

But that’s not all.

Radar writes that Hoppy also sent emails to Frankel’s “friends and business associates at Bravo” at various points over the past year.

In October, he allegedly sent a message to Frankel that read: “Your definition of harassment is comical. I will continue to communicate with you as I see fit.”

This, at least, stopped being the case after the aforementioned attorney contacted Hoppy and said a lawsuit would follow if he didn’t stop acting like such a crazy person.

Still, Hoppy remains a frightening thorn in Frankel’s side.

During his confrontation with Frankel at daughter Bryn‘s school last week, the 46-year-old allegedly said to Shields that “she’s pure evil,” adding ominously:

“You’ve been warned. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Frankel told police afterward that she feared for her safety – and it’s easy to understand why.

Jason and Betheny were only married for two years, yet they battled over details in their divorce for FOUR years, finally ending the marriage for good in the summer of 2016.

Issues at stake during their back-and-forth courtroom fights involved alimony payments, child support payments and custody arrangements for poor little Bryn.

According to this Radar insider, Hoppy is dead set on making a name for himself in reality TV and on stealing his ex-wife’s spotlight … once and for all.

“He’s obsessed with her and still has pictures of her around his apartment,” the source says. “He buys every magazine that she is in. He’s coming fame obsessed…

“He now has her passion for public attention and wants his own reality show.”


Hoppy is due in court on March 13 to answer for this stalking charge.

In the meantime, Frankel has been granted an order of protection against him.
