Monday, February 27, 2017

Demi Lovato: I"m 1% African!

Think the Oscars getting the Best Picture winner wrong was controversial?

Okay, it was. Big time.

But Demi Lovato found herself in some hot water as well on Sunday, for reasons not related to either La La Land or Moonlight.

The singer (who did attend a post-Academy Awards party sponsored by Vanity Fair… and who looked gorgeous at the event, as you can see above) jumped on Twitter over the weekend in an excited state.

She had recently received the results of a DNA test and thought one piece of surprising news from it was worth sharing with followers.

“I did a DNA test and found out I’m mainly Spanish, with Native American, SCANDINAVIAN (which I had NO idea), Irish, BRITISH….” Lovato wrote, adding:

“And I’m 1% African!!!!”

Oops. That’s where the message fell off the acceptable rails, according to far too many critics.

Some questioned her knowledge of science, such as this individual:

“everyone’s got a little bit of African in them. No matter where we come from. #biology #evolution.”

Others, meanwhile, were far more cruel. To wit:

“ever since you got that spray tan you think your 1 African demi what you smoking.”

And still others were especially mean, while being grammatically inept. An example:

“she causes drama bc neither of them wants her (africans,americans,mexicans etc).”

Lovato wasn’t entirely sure how to reply to these responses, since she thought she was just sharing a harmless tidbit about herself.

“Just thought it was cool and totally random,” Lovato Tweeted. “Some of y’all are mean af. Twitter sucks.”

But she did recognize, to some extent, why some users out there raised an eyebrow over her statement, replying to one fan as follows:

“I also included the other nationalities. But I understand and respect your point of view and didn’t mean to offend anyone.”

Lovato has unfortunately faced the wrath of the Twittersphere many times over the years.

Last June, for example, the artist quit Twitter and Instagram to avoid trolls, saying she preferred Snapchat “‘cause I don’t have to see what some of y’all say.”

“Follow me if you want: theddlovato,” she wroe at the time. “But why do people actually give a f–k what I say?? Like if you don’t care the gtfo haha.”

Like so many celebrities who have tried to drop off the social media planet, however, Demi quickly reversed course.

After fewer than 24 hours, she tweeted: “F–k this.. I’m back bitches. And I’m coming back more honest than ever.”

Lovato later said she loves her fans too much to “leave them over some lame ass haters.”

We don’t blame Lovato for wanting a break from these platforms.

But we’re glad she came back.

Few stars out there keep things as real as Demi does!
