Thursday, February 9, 2017

Man Declared President of the Friend Zone: See the Savagery!

Sit back, friends, and prepare to hear a tale packed full of action, drama, courage, and sadness!

But not even the tiniest little hint of romance.

See that nice-looking young couple up there? That’s Alex and Daniel.

They’re just a couple of crazy kids, so young and, as it turns out, so not in love.

At least, that’s what everyone is gathering from the caption Alex wrote for this photo, which has quickly gone viral.

“From Top Golf to dinner, flowers, ice cream and horseback riding, you out-did yourself on this friend date Daniel!” she wrote.

Ouch, right? Flowers, dinner, ice cream, and horseback riding is a friend date?!

But hold on tight, because the pain you will feel for Daniel has not yet truly begun.

Alex continued her Instagram heartbreak with “You wanted to set a standard for how I should be treated and you sure set a high one. I thank God so much that He put an amazing friend like you in my life.”

“Thank you for making me feel like a true princess!”

And then, for the final nail in the coffin of what could have been, Alex added a hashtag that read “still single tho.”

Oh, Daniel. Oh, your poor, sweet soul.

Look, a lot of times the “friend zone” is nonsense, usually peddled by guys who feel like being a decent person should be enough reason for a girl to sleep with him.

But sometimes, the friend zone is real. And Daniel is proof of that.

(That’s an actual photo of Daniel screaming in agony from the friend zone.)

He’s not a decent guy, he’s the best guy. He took this girl on what could very well be the best date of all time, and she acknowledged that it was the best date of all time.

She said that Daniel treated her how she should be treated in a relationship, but LOL, she’s still single!

A lot of people felt Daniel’s pain, too — after this photo went viral, people were quick to stand up for him.

“This is the most brutal thing I have ever seen,” one person observed on Twitter, while others say that Alex “did him dirty” and that she’s “using him.”

But Daniel, the beautiful light in this dark world that he is, has taken some time to stand up for Alex, the girl that will never, ever be his girlfriend.

He wrote a big long statement “to clear up my whole ‘friend’ date,” and honestly, it will just make you love him more.

Daniel claims that he was the one who arranged the date, specifically as “just friends,” and that he also came up with the #stillsingletho bit.

“She had never been treated like a lady,” he explained, “and I wanted to show her what it was like.”

He calls Alex “a wonderful woman of God,” and says that she doesn’t deserve the backlash she’s been getting.

“All I wanted to do was treat a woman the right way,” he stated in his caption.

Do you buy all that? Even if you do, there’s no denying that the original caption was painful to read.

But one thing is for sure: there will be plenty of ladies lining up for a magical date with Daniel now. And not “friend dates,” either.
