Thursday, February 23, 2017

Chris Brown: His Neighbor Tells All on Karrueche Tran Abuse!

Hey, have you heard the news? Chris Brown is a violent, terrifying jackass!

Well, that’s not exactly news. It’s pretty much just fact at this point.

But the news here is that Chris is a violent, terrifying jackass, particularly to ex-girlfriend Karrueche Tran — we learned that in the legal documents that went along with her recent restraining order against him.

According to the documents, Karrueche made a sworn statement to a judge that Chris had “told a few people that he was going to kill me,” and that he “threatened to shoot me.”

Chris’ issue, as she explained, was one of those “if I can’t have you, no one else will” type of things.

She also claimed that while she and Chris were dating, he was physically abusive to her. She said he “punched me in the stomach twice” and “pushed me down the stairs.”

Karrueche said that she wanted the restraining order because Chris is particularly unstable these days, and she feared he might actually follow through on those death threats.

It’s not hard to believe her, is it? After all, Chris is currently in a big, nasty feud with Soulja Boy simply because he liked some of Karrueche’s photos on Instagram.

And who could forget that creepy, nightmarish Instagram video Chris shared in which he straight up admitted that “If I love you, bitch, ain’t nobody gonna have you”?

Throw in the fact that Chris has a long, long history of being violent, even being violent with girlfriends … yeah, Karrueche’s story makes sense.

And if you had any doubts at all about it, well, Chris’ own neighbor is here to speak out on her experience with Chris and his infamous temper.

Warning: it’s not pretty.

The neighbor, a singer named Kay Cola, went on a long Twitter rant about the situation, beginning with her issue with trolls accusing Karrueche of lying about Chris.

“Some of y’all make me sick to my stomach talking about Karrueche’s lying,” she wrote. “I’ve heard him beating her myself. I even called the police.”

“I used to cry over that situation hearing her screaming at the top of her lungs because i am also a victim of domestic violence,” she continued.

“Some of y’all are so delusional defending this man! It’s sick! He will never get help or change because of yes man and weirdos like y’all.”

“I never spoke up,” Kay explained, “cause I didn’t feel it was my place but hearing y’all say she’s lying I can’t just sit by and watch this.”

“I even got into it with Chris because his loud ass used 2 wake up my daughter. He was rude as f-ck & I had known him since he was a kid.”

She said “The point is, stop defending these a–holes and always blaming the woman. It’s sad & sick, & is why women don’t speak out.”

“Women literally get murdered by men who act like this and y’all think it’s cute or she just wants attention gtfoh.”

When asked why she’s just now speaking out about what she heard, Kay replied “She left him! It wasn’t my place to speak on her issues, however now that she is speaking on it I can’t sit by and watch people say she’s lying.”

“The police didn’t do sh-t,” she claimed, “they have been called out several times, do your research North Hollywood Police station.”

“I spoke to her about it and I sent people upstairs and even went upstairs myself. I did what I could and that’s that.”

What a sad, disturbing mess.

Hopefully this whole thing will result in Chris finally getting help for whatever makes him act the way he acts … we can dream, right?
