Friday, February 3, 2017

Justin Bieber Super Bowl Ad: Who Does the Singer Shill For?

Justin Bieber is one of the most popular young stars on the planet, so it made perfect sense that T-Mobile would capitalize on his star power for in latest Super Bowl commercial. 

In the commercial, Justin Bieber plays a "celebration expert" who wants all of the people who use the network to do so without limits. 

The star also gives a brief history of the touchdown dance, featuring the likes of Rob Grownkowski and Terrell Owens. 

Clearly, the aim of the commercial is to get people interested in T-Mobile and their unlimited plans. 

It"s not the first time T-Mobile has turned to stars who have huge followings for their Super Bowl spectaculars. 

If you recall, Kim Kardashian was schooling people on what they should be doing with their unused data. 

Yes, it was tragic, but people like to use their data on Kim.

The video is worth watching for Justin"s crazy dances alone. If you"ve ever wanted to watch Bieber make a fool of himself, then it"s the right video for you. 

The main issue with the commercial is that it feels like something Nike would release to sell sporting gear and to get people motivated to shed a few pounds. 

Unfortunately, the video does not really do much in the way of make us want to switch to T-Mobile, but it does make us want to send in our own touchdown dances. 

Yes, the video is awesome. 

Check out the full commercial now: 


Justin bieber super bowl ad who does the singer shill for