Saturday, February 25, 2017

Rob Kardashian: Is His Diabetes Out of Control?!

These past few months haven’t been too kind to Rob Kardashian.

Well, these past few months, these past few years, whatever.

He did become a father to the unspeakably adorable Dream, which is undoubtedly a high point in his life — despite the shambles his life seems to be in right now, he still seems so very, very happy about being a dad.

But everything else? Yeah, it’s kind of a mess.

His relationship with Blac Chyna seems to be over at this point, perhaps for good.

They’ve been broken up for a few weeks now at least, and unlike their previous splits, there’s been no back and forths between them, no yelling about “texting bitches,” no social media rampages.

We’d heard that they’re trying to be mature about it all, and against all odds, it seems like they’re succeeding.

So since Rob’s love life has apparently gone all to hell, it’s a good thing he has his health, right?

Not so fast …

Rob has been struggling with diabetes for over a year now. He was first hospitalized for it in December of 2015, and it seemed pretty serious at the time.

He lost a lot of weight when he began dating Blac Chyna, enough that he actually reversed the diabetes, but that didn’t last for long.

He began gaining weight again, and when he and Chyna started having serious relationship issues, he got back in self-destruct mode, eating his feelings and ignoring his health.

Last December, he was hospitalized once again when his diabetes got out of control.

We’ve heard that Rob is considering gastric bypass surgery to get a handle on his weight, but as of now, he hasn’t taken that leap yet.

But he has been desperately asking his Instagram followers for advice on managing his diabetes.

Last night, Rob posted (and deleted) this:

Apparently some people believe that if you drink some good old-fashioned okra water, you can cure your diabetes. And hey, maybe you can. This is a wild world we’re living in.

In his caption, Rob wrote “Has anyone tried this?? I need to know if it really works.”

And there’s just something a little sad about that, right? Something a little desperate.

Hopefully he’s not having any serious complications that we don’t know about, something that would make him feel like he needs to try anything and everything that could possibly help him.

Hang in there, Rob.
