Monday, February 27, 2017

Kailyn Lowry Talks Pregnancy: Are Her Kids Excited?

By now, you’ve likely heard the shocking news:

Moonlight actually won Best Picture at the Oscars, not La La Land!

No, wait. That’s true, but that isn’t the topic at hand here.

As previously reported instead, Kailyn Lowry is pregnant with her third child.

The Teen Mom star – who is already a parent to a pair of young boys (via two different fathers) – confirmed this development herself last week, writing a lengthy blog entry in defense of her circumstance.

“I am pregnant,” Kailyn wrote very simply, blaming unidentified people close to her for leaking the news early and adding:

“I wanted this to be a private time so I could be excited while not getting chased by paparazzi and bothered with crazy headlines.”

Lowry is about halfway through her pregnancy, she says, and, no, she did not make an irresponsible mistake. She did not get knocked up.

“Please know this was a choice I made,” Kailyn continued.

“I already know some won’t agree but I’ve been showered with support by the ones I love since I found out.”

Just who is the Kailyn Lowry baby daddy? The often-troubled reality star did not say.

But most followers assume it is either Tyler Hill, with whom Kailyn allegedly cheated on Javi Marroquin; or Teen Mom 2 producer J.C. Cueva.

Now that the adorable cat is out of the precious baby bag, however, Lowry is at least free to talk openly about her family, her life and how things may or may not change.

For example:

“I’m still on track to graduate in May,” the 24-year-old, who’s pursuing a bachelor’s degree in TV, radio, film and communications, told Us Weekly over the weekend.

The impending arrival will join seven-year old Isaac, who the MTV star shares with ex Jo Rivera, and three-year Lincoln, whose father is Lowry’s ex-husband, Marroquin.

How do the boys feel about the expansion of their unit?

“Isaac and Lincoln are excited,” Lowry says, adding that her oldest son wants a sister, while little Lincoln wants a baby brother.

But Kailyn is all about the “surprise” and doesn’t plan to find out the child’s gender prior to giving birth.

Rivera has not spoken out on the pregnancy, perhaps because Kailyn says he knew about it a long time ago.

But Javi, who has done public battle of late with his ex over social media, was not made aware of the situation until Lowry herself made it known to the world a few days ago.

“lol, y’all aren’t getting anything from me!” Marroquin Tweeted not long after the announcement was made, including with his message a zip-lipped emoji and adding:

“it will all play out.”

Javi went on to say he only wants to be asked about his son, his job or Crossfit… although he later shared an Instagram photo of his child and said via caption that he plans to “pick up the pieces” for the boy going forward.

That was clearly a shot at Kailyn and how she’s living her life.

Lowry has not said anything about her awkward relationship with Marroquin.

She is choosing to focus instead on her healthy relationship with her first baby daddy.

“Jo has shared his concerns with me and we are working through them,” she explains to Us Weekly. “But he has been supportive overall and just said we will figure it all out.

“Babies are blessings.”

It’s true. They are.

So while one can silently pass judgment on Lowry and all the choices or mistakes she’s made, try not to lose sight of that simple fact.

She’s pregnant again and a new life will soon enter the world.

The Teen Mom could really use some positive reinforcement right about now.

Think about that the next time you want to leave a negative comment on her social media account.

Be the bigger person here, okay?
