Thursday, February 2, 2017

Matthew McConaughey: We Should Embrace Donald Trump!

Matthew McConaughey may not think that Donald Trump is alright, alright, alright.

But that doesn"t mean the actor is ready to join the chorus of those in Hollywood who have slammed Trump at every turn.

McConaughey has made headlines for an interview he gave this week with ChannelFi in which he discusses his new film, Gold.

Because the themes of the movie center on wealth and an underdog achieving some form of the American Dream, the interviewer suggests that Gold is about “redneck America sticking one up to the snotty East Coast elites."

He then directly asked McConaughey whether it"s time for celebrities to give Trump a "break," prompting the star to share his thoughts on the controversial Commander-in-Chief.

"They don’t have a choice now," McConaughey says, adding by way of explanation:

"He’s our president. And it’s very dynamic and as divisive of an inauguration and time as we’ve had.

"At the same time, it’s time for us to embrace and shake hands with this fact and be constructive with him over the next four years.”

It appears as if this interview may have take place prior to the executive order signed by Trump last Friday, the one most people are referring to as an outright Muslim ban in America.

At one point, McConaughey wonders whether Trump will really follow through on some of the crazy stuff he said while running for President.

And because this is the Internet, many people are jumping on McConaughey for these comments.

Is he really saying anything all that scandalous, however? Should folks be focused more on "constructive" conversations and how to work with Trump now that he"s in office??

Or has Trump not given anyone any reason to think he"ll bend, compromise or rethink his agenda in any way, shape or form?

The topic shifts to The Donald around the three-minute mark below. Watch now:

Matthew mcconaughey we should embrace donald trump