Friday, February 3, 2017

Man With Knife Arrested After Approaching Elizabeth Smart

Elizabeth Smart was kidnapped at just 14-years-old, but she was put through another scary incident earlier this week. 

A man named Claude Hudson was spotted the Elizabeth Smart Speaker Series at ISU on Monday. That’s where he allegedly attacked Indiana State University officer. 

The officer noticed the 80-year-old playing with a knife. The odd thing about it was that he was playing with the knife while staring at Smart. 

Hudson allegedly hid the knife in his pocket, before making his way over to Smart. 

The officer approached Hudson about his strange behavior, but then Hudson apparently snapped and attacked the officer. 

Hudson was then picked up with an arrest warrant and appeared on court Wednesday morning. 

It was revealed that Hudson had a history of arrests California, Illinois, Missouri, Nevada and Tennessee. 

Additionally, he was convicted of attempted murder back in 1991. 

There’s said to be no connection between Hudson and Smart. 

This is such a horrible incident to report on, but it’s pretty great how the officer managed to diffuse the situation pretty quickly.

There’s no telling what might have have happened if nobody noticed Hudson’s erratic behavior. 

Elizabeth’s spokesperson revealed in a statement that she is “is grateful for law enforcement and Indiana State University’s quick response and that the event and her work continued undeterred.”

Elizabeth was abducted from her home in 2002 and rescued by police nine months later. 

Ever since, Elizabeth has been vocal about the ordeal she went through and has tried to raise awareness on abduction. 

Her speech earlier this week was about overcoming adversity. 

What do you think about all of this? 

Sound off below!
