Friday, February 24, 2017

Rihanna to Chris Brown: I"m Disappointed in You!

You know how Chris Brown has allegedly been up to his old tricks, being mean and violent and threatening?

Side note: do you still call it being “back up to his old tricks” when he’s never really stopped?

Anyway, Chris has been making news lately for the worst reason: his former girlfriend, Karrueche Tran, has filed a restraining order against him.

In the court documents for the order, Karrueche claimed that Chris had been violent during their relationship, that he’d punched her in the stomach twice and also threw her down the stairs.

His neighbor even corroborated the story, saying that she heard Chris beating her, and that she heard Karrueche “screaming at the top of her lungs” and saw the police visit their home multiple times.

Karrueche’s reason for getting the restraining order now, such a long time after she broke up with him, is because she says he’s been threatening to kill her.

She said that he told her that if he couldn’t have her, then no one could, and that he’d told friends he was going to “take her out.”

Chris himself corroborated that part with that awful, creepy video he shared earlier this month in which he called himself a stalker and said that, surprise surprise, he’s not the most stable of men.

“If I love you, bitch, ain’t nobody gonna have you,” he said, pretty much proving Karrueche’s claims. “I’m gonna make you miserable.”

Chris hasn’t publicly commented on all this, but we’re guessing if he did, he’d just deny it all and say that everyone is out to get him, per usual.

Why can’t we just let him move on from that time he beat the hell out of Rihanna? Yeah, he’s been accused of beating multiple people since then, including the only serious girlfriend he’s had since, Rihanna, but he’s changed!

That’s the sort of thing he and his fans say regularly, but we’re not buying it.

And neither, it seems, is Rihanna.

According to sources who spoke with Hollywood Life, “Rihanna is just really saddened and disappointed by the whole situation.”

“She loves Chris” — take a break to vomit if you need to — “and really wants him to find happiness.”

“She’s so far removed from it all she doesn’t know what the truth is,” the source says, “but she wishes Chris would just stay out of trouble.”

Fat chance, RiRi.

It’s sort of odd that she of all people would be hesitant to believe Karrueche’s story, but then again she did get back together with him even after the assault, so we guess it makes sense.

It would be great if Chris could find happiness, if he could get all these issues sorted and move on. It really would.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem likely any time soon.
