Monday, April 17, 2017

Donald Trump: Roasted For White House Easter Egg Roll on Twitter!

The annual White House Easter Egg Roll is one of those cushy events that affords presidents an opportunity to remind the public that they"re human.

It"s like the Thanksgiving turkey pardon or the traditional praising of the cake you ate before you decided to drop the mother of all bombs.

As with most things Trump related, there were some seriously awkward moments today, and the Internet had a field day.

Check out some of the best burns Twitter had to offer in the gallery below:

1. Donald Trump National Anthem Fail

Donald trump national anthem fail

Many pointed out that Trump clearly forgot to put his hand over his heart during the National Anthem. The president needed a nudge from wife Melania.

2. Donald Darko


The biggest difference is that Jake Gyllenhaal was trying to PREVENT the end of the world.

3. "Baskets" Bannon


“I’ll get you for this one, Kushner!”

4. Melania Trump as Effie Trinket

Melania trump as effie trinket

We guess we’ll take Hunger Games over a Purge Night.

5. Trump Detective

Trump detective

“Time is a beautiful flat circle, folks. It really is.”

6. A Very Spicey Easter

A very spicey easter

“Hey, maybe when you kids are done hunting for Easter eggs, you can find me a new job. I don’t smell like rum. YOU smell like rum!”

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