Monday, April 3, 2017

Kylie Jenner & Tyga: We"re Not Broken Up ... But We"re Not Together

From the time we learned they were dating, rumors about Kylie Jenner and Tyga breaking up have surfaced at the rate of about one a week.

It stands to reason that the public would have a difficult time imagining that these two could make it as a couple.

After all, Tyga is a classic coattail rider who hitched his wagon to Kylie’s star before she reached legal adulthood.

We all figured she would begin to see him for what he is as she matured.

Sadly, nearly three years into the relationship, that has yet to happen.

The latest Kylie-Tyga split seemed to be confirmed on social media last week, but in the days since, the couple has been photographed together, and insiders have insisted that all is well in their relationship.

So what’s really going on here?

Well, it seems Kylizzle and T-Raww are stuck in a sort of relationship purgatory.

Sources are now saying they’re not broken up … but they’re not exactly together, either.

Or at the very least, they’re not together in the way that they used to be (read: co-dependently joined at the hip).

“Kylie is sad as she and Tyga are living separate lives,” one insider tells Hollywood Life.

“Lately she has been spending more time with friends and less time with Tyga as things really are cooling off between them.”

Of course, Kylie is 19, and she probably should be spending more time with her friends and less time with her creepy older boyfriend, but it seems she’s less than thrilled about the changing face of her social life.

But while she didn’t choose to drift away from Tyga, Kylie is reportedly very appreciative of her highly supportive network of friends.

“Kylie is finding comfort in her friends as she deals with her relationship issues,” says the source.

So it sounds like a breakup is in the near future, but Kylie is having difficulty ripping the Band-Aid off.

We suppose you can’t blame her.

After all, this is her first grownup romantic relationship.

It can be a difficult thing to let go of, and we’re sure Tyga’s not making things any easier.

For him, this isn’t just a relationship, it’s the foundation of his career.

Without Kylie, Tyga would fade into obscurity within a matter of weeks, and we’re sure he’s aware of that.

So you can be certain that he won’t be letting go without a fight.

As long as Kylie remains uncertain, Tyga will be sticking around.
