Friday, April 21, 2017

Kendra Wilkinson: I Taught My 7-Year-Old Son All About Sex!

That Kendra Wilkinson is always good for a cringe, huh?

If there’s anything you can count on her for, it’s to always say or do something so embarrassing that it will inspire you to cringe for the rest of your days. Or something about boobs.

Yep, Kendra is one of the most ridiculous individuals to ever exist, and though she has to know that about herself at this point, she’s making no effort to change.

In fact, as the years go by, she’s just getting zanier and zanier.

Well, “zany,” “inappropriate and alarming,” it’s all the same thing with her really.

This time, Kendra shocked us all by admitting in a new interview that her seven-year-old son, little Hank Jr., knows all about the birds and the bees.

Not by accident, either — the weird kid in second grade didn’t spill the beans on the playground or anything.

Kendra took it upon herself to let her son, who, again, is only seven years old, know the ins and outs of sex.

Bizarre, right?

“I have no shame,” she explained in the interview, like we didn’t know that already.

“I even tell little Hank sometimes, ‘Go to bed. Mom and Pop are going to have sex. We got to have some sex, Hank, okay? Go to your room. Play your video games."”

So not only does her kid already know about sex, she told him about it so he would understand when to leave them alone.

It wasn’t some parenting belief she holds about being open and honest about everything with your children, it’s so he could entertain himself whenever she got an urge.

But it seems like after this little revelation, Kendra realized that perhaps what she said sounded a little strange: she added “You don’t understand. These kids know earlier and earlier now.”

Yes, Kendra. They know because, for instance, their parents teach them about it so they can have distraction-free sex whenever they please.

You know, just as an example.

Kendra also said that she not only teaches her kids about sex, she teaches them about anything and everything about her.

“It starts now with teaching them who I am,” she said. “They’ve been up to the Playboy Mansion. I have nothing to hide. And if you don’t have shame or regret.”

… And if you don’t have shame or regret, what? If you don’t have shame or regret then you can do things like take a seven-year-old and a toddler to the House That Porn Built?

If you don’t have shame or regret then you can do literally anything you want to under the guise of “hey, no shame or regret”?

Oh, Kendra. Who can keep up?!
