Thursday, April 13, 2017

Danielle Bregoli: Cited for Marijuana Possession

Danielle Bregoli may have challenged the world to cash her outside if they so dare.

But the controversial young teenager has gotten in trouble with the law for something she recently did inside.

According to TMZ insiders, Bregoli was cited on Wednesday in Boynton Beach, Florida for possession of marijuana.

The troubled future reality star was reportedly hanging out at a friend’s house when said friend pulled out a joint.

Police officers rolled by, witnessed the girls getting high and proceeded to make their move; despite Bregoli claiming she was not partaking in the illegal experience.

Both Danielle and her pal were given citations for their alleged actions.

Neither any of the cops nor Bregoli herself has spoken out about the incident.

Danielle Bregoli, of course, is known as Cash Me Outside Girl (or Cash Me Ousside Girl to some) because she appeared opposite Dr. Phil in September and got into a verbal altercation with members of the audience.

On the program due to her mother’s concern over her disturbing attitude and behavior, Bregoli played her role perfectly.

She got into it with those in the crowd who were taunting her, taking on some kind of hilarious ghetto accent at one point and yelling what has become her viral tagline:

Cash me ousside, howbow dah?!?

Since then, Bregoli has appeared a second time on Dr. Phil, trash talking the host by claiming she (and Oprah) made him famous.

She has become a popular subject for the paparazzi, talking at various times to TMZ cameras and challenging members of the Kardashian family to a fight.

As we could have sadly predicted several weeks ago, Bregoli has also landed her own reality show.

But a closer examination of her life has revealed a seriously effed up relationship with her mother, most notably a video that made the Internet round last month.

Featured below, it depicts Danielle’s mother savagely beating her daughter inside their Florida home.

Check it out for yourself:

Authorities are looking into the incident and it certainly appears as if charges ought to be filed.

Which is not to say that Bregoli thinks her mom did anything wrong in the ugly footage above.

“Me and my mother are not fighting on the floor. We are play fighting,” Bregoli told TMZ when asked about the upsetting clip in mid-March.

She added:

“My ex-best friend took it to a whole other level. It wasn’t what it was at all. We were play fighting on the floor and I hit her too hard and she kind of pushed me on the floor.

“That’s all that happened.

“People need to take their head out of sh-t they shouldn’t have their head in. My mother is not abusive. She doesn’t abuse me. I love my mother.”

Naturally, the proposed reality show on tap will star both Danielle and her mother.

We can’t wait.

Sorry, we mistyped there. What we meant to write was this:

We can totally, completely, absolutely wait.
