Thursday, July 20, 2017

Amber Portwood: I Still Love Matt Baier!

Amber Portwood and Matt Baier … well, their love story is not one for the faint of heart.

After a few years of manipulation, sketchiness, and theft, Amber finally dumped him after he failed a lie detector test about cheating and tried handing out drugs to her friends.

She went back and forth on her decision for a wihle — after the break up, she reportedly allowed him to continue living with her for a while.

They also filmed a season of Marriage Boot Camp together, which is sure to be a treat.

But as of now, she seems to be really and truly done with him.

Or at least she did.

Just a couple of weeks after instructing him to get a lawyer and mocking him on Twitter, she’s changed her tune in a new interview with Dr. Drew.

And the disappointment is real.

When asked about Matt, Amber explains that “Matt right now is actually in Las Vegas, he’s living there.”

“At this point in time, we are talking, but we’re not talking in a sense where we are getting back together. We argue too much.”

“We are not living together,” she continued, “we have not lived together in over probably two months. I broke up with him before we went on Family Boot camp.”

She claims that she’s “just trying to better myself in a situation that put me down, and a situation where I kind of lost myself, my independence as a woman, as a person, because I was too focused on Matt.”

That’s actually amazing to hear — usually she’s too focused on her pride to admit that Matt really played her.

She adds that she’s trying to “find” herself before she thinks about dating, but she and Matt “still talk, of course, because love doesn’t just shut off like that.”

“That’s not how it works. I just want him to be happy.”

We’d argue that that can definitely be how it works, at least with giant creeps like Matt Baier — cut him loose and never look back.

But thankfully, Amber acknowledges that “everybody’s worried that he’s about to work his way back into my life,” but “I am living my life, I’m alone.”

“I’m focusing on my business and trying to make sure I’m good in the future.”

We just hope she’s telling the truth.

As for “the money situation,” sadly it looks like she’s not going to go after him after all because “I just want everything to be cordial and done if that’s the way it’s gonna be.”

“He is a man, if he makes money and he wants to pay me back, then that’s something on him, but as the type of woman I am … I’d like to have my money back, but I’m good.”

On a happier note, Amber also touches on her time on Marriage Boot Camp in the interview, and it sounds like it’s going to be a delightful season!

She calls the show “horrible,” and says that it all “felt very fake” to her.

She wanted to leave the show because “producers and directors coming up to you and trying to talk in your ear to start things.”

And while she says that she told producers they couldn’t manipulate her like that, she admits that she did get into it with Brandi Glanville.

Amazingly enough, she says “I don’t want people watching that too much because I look crazy on there! I’m too angry on there.”

According to her, the season will most likely air this fall, and you know she just ensured we won’t miss an episode.

And speaking of not missing an episode, Amber also reveals that the upcoming seaon of Teen Mom OG is “pretty hardcore,” and “one of our longest seasons yet.”

Usually, she explains, MTV films them for around six months, but this time they’re going for at least nine months, with a couple of days off every now and then.

So nothing but drama, basically.

And speaking of drama … remember the fantastic feud between Amber and Farrah Abraham?

Yeah, that’s apparently dead now.

“That stuff happened so long ago,” she says of her fight with Farrah. “The way I think of everybody is probably different than how I did a year or so ago.”

“I’m just in the mommy mode, where I just want everybody to be happy, even people who talk crap about me. I want them to move forward and be the women they’re supposed to be.”

If you weren’t shocked enough already, she adds that Farrah “is a human being and deserves to be loved.”

“Even though she was talking all that crap about me, I just want her to be happy. I don’t think she is, I’m sorry. That’s just my opinion.”

Yeah, Amber, it’s your opinion and also the opinion of anyone who has ever watched even a second of Farrah’s antics.

Overall, it sounds like this troubled Teen Mom has really sorted out her feelings lately, and like she’s really healing from her ridiculously toxic relationship with Matt.

Just keep getting better, girl!
