Friday, July 21, 2017

Married at First Sight Recap: Let"s Talk About Sex, Baby!

Tick… tick… tick…

The countdown was officially on this week for all Married at First Sight couples, as they had one week remaining until they had to make answer a question made famous by The Clash:

Should I stay or should I go?

With just a few days until they had to decide whether they would file for divorce or stay together, Ashley and Anthony got into a fight.

The former got angry at her husband for not yet filling out an application for their new apartment… and then got angry at him all over again for getting angry at her because she was angry at him over this housing mess.

Later over dinner, Anthony expressed concern over their problems communication.

“That scares me the most because we have to make our final decision in a week,” he said.

Did a romantic camp out help salvage the romance? With a tent and wine and chocolate? Yes, to the extent that Ashley was appreciative.

But no, not for anyone waiting for Anthony to say he loved his wife.

This is yet to happen.

The relationship between Nate and Sheila may be in an even worse place, however.

“I am done!” she yelled at one point. “Be done with me because I am done with you! I don’t want to be with someone like you, period! Now I am going to end the marriage.”

She didn’t technically do so, however, although Sheila did later go off to the camera, saying this union was “a complete and utter failure.”

For his part, Nate just seemed exhausted as he admitted that he thought it was “the end” of his marriage.

Enter Pastor Calvin Roberson, led the reality stars through a conversation about what had transpired between them.

Sheila insisted that Nate had forever betrayed her trust, but Roberson said that wasn’t the case.

“You don’t believe that,” he told Sheila, urging her to reconsider her position.

Her response? She simply walked out.

But Nate eventually called, apologized and have Sheila a plant as some kind of peace offering.

“If you’ll have me, I want to be with you forever,” she said, leading to Nate saying those big three words and Sheila asking him to kiss her already.

So, all is good?

Not quite. With things relatively calm, Nate later suggested that it would help if Sheila learned to control her anger, to which she replied that maybe he ought to give her some space when they fought.

At least they’ve had sex, though!

The same can’t be said for Cody and Danielle.

“Our sex life definitely needs to progress if we do want to stay married and both of us will be happy,” Cody said last night, adding that he was ready for marriage, yet admitting that both he and Danielle had things they definitely had to work on if they were going to stick together.

He somehow determined that a trip to Milwaukee would get the pair out of its “rut” and maybe get them into bed.

Danielle didn’t really want to get physical, however, although she did like watching Cody play pool and said they had “mostly good times” at a brewery.

“Ninety percent of this has been good,” Cody added.

He’s probably ramp that evaluation up by like 10 percent if he could just go home, bend Danielle over and… nevermind.

During a walk, which included some hand-holding, Cody brought up the lack of sex thing, which prompted Danielle to say she was frustrated by the topic and Cody to conclude in a confessional:

“It’s tough. I don’t know how much more I can really stand or how much I want to stand.

“With decision day right around the corner, maybe it’s just time to call it quits.”

We’ll find out next Thursday night if Danielle puts out or Cody gets out.
