Thursday, July 27, 2017

Gwen Stefani: Expecting Twins, Asking Beyonce for Help?!

Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton have been dating since the fall of 2015, just a few months after their respective splits from Gavin Rossdale and Miranda Lambert.

And since then, how many times have we heard that Gwen is pregnant with Blake’s baby?

Approximately a billion.

It’s like every single time we turn around, someone somewhere is swearing up and down that Gwake is expecting, and every single time it turns out to be a lie.

And our hearts can only take so much disappointment, you know?

So there better be some truth to this new report from OK! magazine …

As a source explains to the magazine, Gwen and Blake are “head over heels in love,” and at least we know that much is true.

“Gwen and Blake were desperate to start a family together,” the source says, “and they think tying the knot would be the perfect way to celebrate.”

Oh yeah, we forgot to mention that in addition to a new round of baby rumors, this report also suggests that we’ll see a wedding at the end of this summer.

But, going back to the baby angle, the source admits that “At her age, a pregnancy would be nothing short of a miracle.”

Gwen’s 47 years old now, by the way.

“But it’s not out of the realm of possibility. She’s always said Apollo, whom she had at 44, was totally unexpected.”

And besides, she’s always said she wants “a little girl” to “hang out and play dress-up with.”

But Gwen doesn’t want just one baby … she wants twins.

“Word is they run in her family, on her dad’s side,” and besides, “Friends are saying she’s been talking constantly about Beyonce’s pregnancy and wanting to reach out to her for advice.”

“People are starting to put two and two together.”

Because — you guessed it! — the source claims that she’s already pregnant with two babies right at this very moment.

Apparently she broke the news to Blake on his birthday last month, and “He said it was the best birthday ever.”

“There were lots of hugs and happy tears, and they talked about baby names all night.”

It’s especially exciting because if Gwen actually is pregnant with twins, the new babies will be Gwen’s fourth and fifth kids, but Blake’s first.

And since he’s so good with Gwen’s three sons — the source says that “He is crazy for Gwen’s boys, especially Apollo, who idolizes the giant man who makes his mom laugh” — it’ll be extra cute to see him with babies.

And Gwen, bless her heart, is “just dying to see him with little babies.”

“Gwen and Blake really reel fate brought them together and continues to bless them with this promise of more kids,” the source concludes.

“The say they have to pinch each other to make sure it’s real.”

OK, so if this is true, if Gwen is pregnant and she told Blake on his birthday last month, then she’d be about two months along right now.

And since this would be her fourth pregnancy, and since she’s apparently having twins, she should start showing pretty soon, right?

So we’ll see, friends. We will see.
