Friday, July 21, 2017

Javi Marroquin Deletes Lauren Comeau Photos From Instagram: Did He Already Dump Her?

Javi Marroquin debuted his latest girlfriend earlier this month, but fans believe the Teen Mom 2 star may be already back on the market.

Considering that he promptly deleted pictures of Lauren Comeau from social media, that wouldn’t be the craziest conclusion to jump to …

The reality star deleted the photos of her just days before his ex-wife, Teen Mom 2 mainstay Kailyn Lowry, gives birth to her third child.

Coincidence? Probably, regarding the birth aspect.

Breakup? Typically that’s what you might expect; Lauren would not be the first ex to be scrubbed from social media following a split.

Javi’s track record would also support this, as he could not wait to flaunt his romances with Cassie Bucka and Madison Channing Walls.

Both of those romances were over almost as soon as they began, so it wouldn’t be a huge stretch to assume Lauren met a similar end.

Not the case, however! Javi explains the move thusly:

“Everything’s great, I’ll be seeing her tomorrow and spending the weekend with her … This one’s definitely a keeper I can tell.”

“We wanted to keep as much private as possible so I thought by deleting the pictures people would stop commenting,” he says.

A noble goal. But a futile one, because #Internet.

If Javi really wanted to keep this romance on the DL, he shouldn’t have shared it in the first place, but he likely realizes this now.

Deleting pictures always makes the eagle-eyed fans suspicious, after all, even if there’s really nothing to be suspicious about. 

“After the episode (the Teen Mom 2 season premiere) it got hot that I had a girlfriend,” he says, so “I think I made it worse.”

“‘Cause now everyone thinks we broke up.”

Again, though, they did not.

The U.S. Air Force member says that despite relationship challenges with her, “I do have a fun date planned for us so I’m excited.”

Javi revealed that the couple met in sort of an old-fashioned way, “at one of our best friend’s weddings. She was the maid of honor.”

No Tinder, no fans encouraging him to meet a fellow reality star on Twitter (how he ended up talking to Madison Walls earlier this year).

Moving on to new girls hasn’t been that hard for Javi, who filed for divorce from Kailyn Lowry last May after nearly four years of marriage.

(The possibility of Javi being deployed again soon likely won’t help things with Comeau, or anyone for that matter, if it lasts that long.)

As for Kailyn, she is just days away from welcoming her third child from her third different partner, the notoriously MIA Chris Lopez.

While C-Lo won’t be there for Baby Lo’s birth, Javi may be – since he’s a decent human being, despite his faults, and because of Lincoln.

Kailyn and Javi have “plans for all scenarios” for the birth, he said, including who will care for their son depending on when and where they are.

“I wish her luck,” he said.

As do we. Hard as it was to watch them break up and so publicly at that, they will always be a family of sorts and we wish them the best.
